Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today we are doing another weekly blog post. This week in class we started and finished a keynote presentation that we presented to the class. This presentation had to be on continuity and changed in on topic from 1950 until now. In this post I’m going to talk about so potential ideas and thoughts that I never used for the keynote.
Idea #1.
This idea was one of my original ideas that I brainstormed. The topic I ended up doing was skiing, this idea was a little more specific. The idea was to talk about ski fashion and how it changed exponentially in the past 70 years. This idea sounded good but I soon realized that there was almost zero continuity, so it would be a hard sell for continuity and change.

Idea #2.
My second scraped idea was to do the presentation on the changes in technology in skiing. As the previous sentence stated “changes in technology in skiing”, this wouldn’t work well at all for both continuity and change.

This project showed me that the isn’t a sport the hasn’t experienced a massive change in the past 70 years. There have been big changes in clothing, technology, even rules and in skiings case entire new parts of the sport have been created. In the end I think that doing on the project on just Skiing as a sport was a good idea and it lead me to widen my research on skiing in the 50s to now.
Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next week.