New France was a great place, but you might not know its name that well. Maybe Canada rings a bell, though. Well, New France was the place where the first Europeans – or more specific – French – came to settle. The French came and made a colony near the St. Lawrence river. They came there for the beavers, more specifically thier pelts. Beaver pelts themselves were worth a lot of money. You could make very expensive and posh hats and coats out of beaver pelts. We researched all about, and I could keep going on, but I just wanted to introduce you to the topic for this project.

     My whole class had to do this project on New France, but we had to pick something within New France, which for me were the missionaries. Missionaries are people dedicated to converting indigenous people to Christian’s.

      The final product is what we spent a lot of the time on. First we were supposed to make an ad that promoted New France, but the teachers soon changed it to a two picture slider. To sum it up, we have to make two images, which sort of mirrored each other, and put it in to a website called flourish which is how I made that the slider picture under this paragraph.
We had to explain what each symbol showed, so this is what I wrote to explain my product.

The big “Be Christian” and cross in the first image are there because they represents the missionaries who where trying to convert indigenous peoples to Christian’s. In the second part the Christianity was shown by the residential school and the nun, who were still trying to convert indigenous peoples to christians.

The beavers are scattered around the image to represent how there were lots of beavers early on, and how they died beacause people killed them for their furs. The Europeans did this because of how much furs sold for in Europe.

The map shows how in the first part there were only europeans on the east, but in the second one, europeans were everywhere and brought the diseases that were on the cross earlier all over Canada. The reason that they were on the cross is to show that the European brought the diseases.

In this project we had to we had to to learn skills such as photography, photo editing, how to use colours to eccentuate mood and learned about Canada’s history. I enjoyed it a lot and it had lots of variety in terms of classes. Some classes were spent entirely on watching a documentary called “Worlds collide” while taking notes, and other were spent learning new photography skills and putting them to use in the wild. The art we got to make was lit and reminded me a lot of the renaissance project.

10/10 would do again.

Thanks for reading!