Well if mistakes make you learn, so I should be the smartest man on the planet.

Well we did a thang. A book, multiple book reviews and a movie trailer.Ā 

The book stuff wasnā€™t the main focus for this project. We did different reflective activities for the book such as a summary, a drawing, searching for interesting words and finding connections within the story to you, other texts and the story to the world. We read ā€œthe leviathanā€ by Scott Westerfield, 5/10 in my opinion, not the best. Cool animals and creations but the plot is very subpar. Itā€™s like an old sci-fi movie that is boring as hell, but halfway throught thereā€™s a wonky CGI alien and the crowd goes wild. Anyways, like I said, not the main point of the project.Ā 

Storyman Tom goes on an Adventure!

So I love writing stories, but Iā€™m not the best at making them clear to the reader- which is a problem for this project. My first story was about a cop who gets pranked by my main character, who I just realized you donā€™t know. Once sec,

Read this real quick šŸ¤ØšŸ‘‰Ulrichā€™s character page

Uli is a tricky little fellow.Ā 

He originally was just bad guy, who play silly pranks on people and the story would start by Uli pranking the wrong guy.Ā 

First story:

investigator gets pranked, because he is trying to capture the supervillian Ulrich Galvaston, but Uli tries to get the investigator to stop investigating him by putting olives in his sandwich, and the investigator doesnā€™t stop so Uli just puts olives all over his house, and it falls off from there.

full Story rev 1

Critiques – no fantastical element

– no ending

  • no explanation of how Uli becomes a supervillain

Second story:

shedge is a basement dweller who goes out to get a sandwhich and Uli plays a silly little prank on him by putting olives in Shedgeā€™s sandwhich. Shedge uses magic to make the olives disappear and goes on with his day. Later on his way back home Uli sees Shedge in the subway. He asks him why he at his no olive sandwhich without disgust, blah blah, blah, Uli makes fun of Shedgeā€˜s lisp blah blah, blah, shedge uses magic, they have a magic fight the end.

Full story V2

Critiques – super confusing, why are they fighting to the death, why is shedge magical.

Personally I liked this one, but I would not have been able to make that into a movie trailer

Last story – this one is pretty summarized already so, Iā€™ll just link it

Final Story

So the last one there was already a storyboard because I ran out of time. I was supposed to make a storyboard of one of my existing stories, but – YOLO.Ā 

I had two days to make the whole movie, which really gave me the drive to work hard. I was a beast for the two days that we had and managed to film to whole thing. We ended uo getting an extension for the whole of spring break, which is two weeks, so I edited it over the break, putting in the green screens and fixing bugs. The movie making process went very smoothly, definetly caught up over the last two days.Ā 


To be honest I would have rather have had more time to make a sick movie than have had to read the book with my homework time. The making of the story was a little frustrating as I struggled to get my ideas across, but once I started making the movie I had so much fun. More movie less reading wouldā€™ve bumped up the project rating.

Fie cut foe my boi Uli yo!

Uli getting faded up šŸ‘‡