Consequences of colonization


It’s been a little while since my last blog post! I also noticed there are people visiting my blog from all around the world, which is pretty cool, so hello! Anyway I should keep on track! The driving question for this project is what was the consequences of colonization? Well I will be answering that question in my own words. This project was about colonization and how it impacted the indigenous peoples. In this project we had to make a keynote presentation and present it to the grade 11 who where studying indigenous peoples as well. The first step was note making. This means we Took articles and where writing down the important stuff.

The keynote 💻

The keynote didn’t take as long as I expected it too. This is because we presented with our groups. Madeline J and Ella H where in my group. Our two main focuses where Indigenous architecture and recourses. We had 14 slides including our Kahoot! Slide. We where presenting to the grade 11 BCFP class.

individual keynote!

The rules where the keynote was 2 slides and 3 words on each slide.this was a complicating situation. 

The thinking 🤔 

I was confused because how are you supposed to answer this: what where the consequences of colonization? To me the consequences when very diverse. But mostly land destruction and taken culture ways. 

The keynote 💻

The keynote only took like an hour because it was only two slides! But I made presenter notes. Those are notes that you can see but the audience can’t see them. The presentation had a time limit of two minutes. I don’t know how long I took but I do know that some people went over 2 minutes. Colonial Architecture 🏠🗿

Colonial powers often imposed their architectural styles upon the territories they colonized, leaving behind structures that reflected their cultural influence and power dynamics. From the neoclassical buildings of British colonies to the Spanish colonial architecture found across Latin America, these structures serve as tangible reminders of the colonial past. The architectural landscape often mirrored the hierarchical structures of colonial society, with grand governmental buildings and opulent residences juxtaposed against more modest structures occupied by the local populace.

Resource Exploitation 🐟🎣🗿

Colonialism was often driven by the pursuit of natural resources, leading to the exploitation and extraction of valuable materials from colonized lands. Whether it was minerals, timber, or agricultural products, colonies were viewed as sources of wealth to be exploited for the benefit of the colonial powers. This resource extraction had profound environmental and social consequences, leading to deforestation, soil degradation, and displacement of indigenous communities.



The architecture of colonization stands as a testament to the complexities of power, identity, and resource exploitation. By examining the intersection of architecture and resources within the context of colonization, we gain insights into the enduring legacies of colonialism and the ongoing struggles for decolonization and cultural autonomy. As we navigate the complexities of our built environments, it is imperative to confront the historical injustices embedded within them and strive for a more equitable and sustainably.

The success criteria.

Be sure that your **Reflective Post** includes:
✅ The story of your process throughout the project
✅ Evidence of your learning throughout the project
✅ Final Keynote and presentation reflection (photos!)
✅ Embedded links to your group members blogs
✅ Reflection of your Individual Keynote
✅ The DQ and your answer to it
Be sure to PROOFREAD your post prior to posting your final link here!

my team mates ❤️🤗



My first ever Mpol!


An Mpol is a mid year presentation of learning. So I have to show you all of my work that I think show my learning best this year so far. Thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am the expert of my own learning I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation if my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. I will start of with of Maker

The first thing that I will talk to you about is my user manual. 

This is basically a guide that tells you all about me. It will help you understand what I’m like and  what I’m interested about. It was fun making it because I know me best and I could put anything I wanted into it. The next thing I would like to talk about is my learning plan. I have made a learning plan for myself and others. It shows my goals and other things.

Humanities (the hardest subject in my opinion) 

The thing that I would choose to show my work is my mind node. 

This mind node was about world you had to have different aspects of worldview. I think it was best to show because it really thought me about worldview and helping me understand worldview. 


For science I’m choosing the video game. We had to make a video on atoms and it had to shown our knowledge of atoms. I made two because the first one didn’t really show my knowledge so I made another to really show my knowledge. So I would get full marks. I will also talk about my humanities project called working with words. In this project I will be talking about the poems I made. I put all of the poems I made into a book.

(Video game link)

My favourite poem was one of my haiku poems. They where really fun to make. This is coming to the end of my first ever Mpol. Thank you for coming and listening! See you next time bye! 🍕🍟🍿

Bon voyage!

Welcome back to another blog post.

 This one is about Humanities and another project. I have been working on this project for like a month. This project is about the European exploration. 

The European exploration is when the European invaded the First Nations and other countries  and claimed them. The europeans believed that they had to spread Christianity all across the world because it was gods wishes for them to spread Christianity. They took it upon themselves to spread it, and they believed that people that didn’t believe in God were bad people and had to believe in God to get rid of all their sins. When the Europeans got to the first nations land day, they wanted to trade for Beaver. Skin. Because beavers skin was very rare in Europe so they could bring the beaver skin back to Europe, and get rich. But after all the trades they thought that they were better because they were white and the first nations people were darker skin than them so they believed that they could take anything they wanted from the first Nations. When the first nation said no. They broke out into a war kind of. The Europeans won and took over the land. There was many things that we had to do in this project. We made a story and we had to make it into a video! We also got pirate packs from white spot. It was the best. I got a grilled cheese and fries. Of course a chocolate coin! The driving question was how can we use storytelling to investigate what sparked global exploration and under stand its impact. I would answer this by saying that I think we can learn about this in many different ways like watching listening and understanding. In this project we also had to draw a bunch of pictures for our video.This is all of my drawings:


This is basically a recap of this project. See you for our next blog post! Bye Bye!❤️   


My poems!

Hello, This blog post is about all of the poems that I have made.

Here is my book:

I am really happy with my book because I put a lot of effort into making it really nice.

I did about 15 poems I think. The first one was my simile poem. All of my poems are based off of my world view. The second poem is my metaphor. I enjoyed making some of my poems because they were entertaining and I can learn more about my self. The third poem I made in this book was my sound poem. It was probably the easiest poem I made because you just put a bunch of words into a poem. This was my favourite poem to make. The next poem is my three haiku poems. They were fun to make because I can just find words that describe my world view and make sure they are the right syllables length. Next is my experiences poems I liked making this one because it was like a day in the life of me on my boat! I love boating. The last poem that I made was my about me poem this was hard to make because I didn’t understand how to make it. But I did and I think I did something wrong but it’s ok. The driving question was How might I write poems that I enjoy and shows who I am. I will answer this by saying that I think I will write poems that I enjoy by doing each poem correctly following the poems stricture. The second stepping stone for me is to really dig deep into my feeling and find perfect words to match them. The last step is to get all of the words that I think describe me and what is happening in my life that I want to share and put them all into a poem. That’s all for this blog post see you later!


Winter exhibition

                                                            2023 winter exhibition


A winter exhibition is pretty much what it sounds like. For our first ever exhibition, it went pretty good. We made a triptych, a triptych is a piece of art that is made from 3 pictures or paintings. We had to make a triptych from scratch, it was harder than it sounds because we are in the triptych. This means we are the ones acting out the triptych. You might be thinking, “What! That makes no sense!” But, I will explain it better later on. We only had a few weeks to make triptych. This is how me and my group made ours.


This was a really big part of our triptych journey because of what and how we are going to to make it. First, we had to do research on what a triptych was and saw pictures of others people’s triptychs. This took a long time. Then we got put in our groups. My group had six people. We had to include some of our pictures that we made. Here’s mine 

Some people took charge and where the group leaders, while others worked on the things they knew what to do. We all helped on the project. It was very stress full because some people didn’t have parts of their costume. But luckily other people in the group did have the parts. 

In the making.

This step probably took the longest time because we had to make all of the props we had. We had to make buildings and more stuff for our triptych. For our three sections of our triptych we had to do medieval, Renaissance, and modern. For our medieval picture we did a kind with a noble next to him with two knights fighting all posing for the painter. In the Renaissance time we did the printing press and people holding signs fighting for women’s and black rights. Last but not least our modern piece. We did a person taking a picture of a girl (me) walking with a shopping bag on the phone. Then the others where on a laptop and a president with their fans. For Medieval we had to make a hat for the Nobel. We also had to make armour for the nights. I (the king) stood on a chair looking at a map that we made as well. The painter had a canvas and brushes. This was our plan:   

                                              Medieval    Modern  Renaissance                           



We had to practice our triptych to perfect it. This didn’t take that long because we knew what we were doing and it wasn’t that hard the thing that we had to practice the most was probably the costume changing. This was a big part of our triptych because we had to preform it many times. My group was really Cooperative. We had to layer on all our costumes together. We had to be really quick to change because we only had 20-30 seconds to change because speaker was talking. We practised it many times but we never went through it more than once. We would go through it all ones from medieval to modern but never back to medieval. I think we should have done that many times to get use to the feeling of changing really fast. I think I bonded with the people in my group because we didn’t argue or be mean to each other. I definitely  think we all got to know each other more.


The big day.

I think this was the most stress full day because we didn’t know what was happening and we where all scared. The worst part was probably one of our teammates got sick and went home so we where missing one so we had to make a plan to do it without them. When we where setting up it was a little bit hectic. But the then dinner arrived and we went down to the cafeteria. The food was not great but at least we got food. Then when we came back it was already 5:30 so people where coming in. We preformed around 15 times. When it was time for everyone to leave we cleaned up but I had to go early because I was going on a plane at 8:30 the next morning. 

To answer the driving question 

What I learned from this was that if you have a plan you can’t always stick to it. So you have to be prepared for anything. Also, you have to acknowledge other people’s opinions and feelings. If you have a plan you also have to listen to others opinions to make our plan better. In conclusion I think I have learned a lot from this experience and I will use the knowledge for the rest of my life. I also think that this was a really great learning opportunity and experience for me and my group.

Learning sketches pro!

This past week we learned all about sketches pro. Sketches pro is an app that you can draw on. It is really cool because there are lots of different tools. The one I like best is probably the water colour tool because you can make lots of really pretty sunsets. There are lots of different tools like the paintbrush,  crayons, smudge, and lots more.


Word art

The word art is a Word that we picked. I picked energy. After we had our word we made all the letters into bubble letters. This was really fun and I really enjoyed colouring them. I used a bright and cheerful palette. I choose the word energy because I always have lots of energy.  I like the font that I did it in because its really bubbly.



This was really fun to make because we used shapes to make our robot. Shapes like squares, circles, ovals, triangles and many more. We also made 3d shapes. I made a 3d square and 3d rectangles, when we made our shapes we got to experiment with the different tools we have on sketches pro. Our Robots didn’t take long to make because it wasn’t that hard. It took our class one class to finish our robots. My robots name is Mesty the zesty robot!



My emoji was kind of hard to make. It took me also one class to make. It was hard to make the face so I imported a photo into the emoji. I think I could have done a better job. But the good thing is it’s funny to look at. It’s the Roblox man face emoji.



This was really fun to make because I got to make my own brand and my own logo. I had lots of fun making my logo. My brand is a pet brand for Crested geckos. This is a store that only sells crested gecko items. Anything you would need for a Crested gecko would be there. There would be crested gecko food, toys, hides, substrate, plants, and of course crested geckos with lots of morphs.

I hope you liked my post on my sketches pro journey so far!

Power play and how it started!

Power play and how it started. This was the name of our project. Our project was not the most fun we’ve ever done but it was ok. Our project was about the medieval times. The funnest part was probably when we made a picture of us and we put our faces onto the medieval art  pieces. This is mine:

It looks kind of wired but thats ok! It looks like me when I think. We male lots of little things like  this art choice chart:






Now I know what your thinking, thats a lot of words. Yes, I know. This was not that hard but I had to do it with really old photos. One box alone took me like 10 minutes. Some boxes where easier than others but still not impossible. The book that we read for the project was called the book of the lion. I do not recommend it if you want to read something. The book of the lion is about a guy and he goes to the holy land. I don’t want to spoil it for you if you want to read it but most of my class didn’t like the book. We did role sheets to go with the book. We only did three because we finished in week three of reading it.  The last little thing that we did was a sketch and tell. This is like a chart with two sides and on one side you sketch and on the other  side you explain what is happening in your chart/ drawing.

The question for this assignment was how do societies gain and loose power? my answer, for this was society contain and lose power because of land if they gain a lot of land, then they get higher up in the classes, and if they lose land, then nobody really pay attention to them so they lose power. If you want to know what’s happening in my drawing than read the other side. That’s all we did in this project but we will start another one soon and I will keep you updated. 

The outsiders.

The outsiders 

If you where in PLP in grade 8 you probably did this.

I’ll tell you what it was about, it is not that boring. Because I will make it fun!

The outsiders is a book and a movie. The main character is Pony boy. His best friend is Johnny. They are greasers. There are socs witch are the popular people that are rich and mean. The outsiders was a pretty good book. If your bored and want to read something then read the outsiders! The theme is sad, exiting, funny and lots more. During the project we had to do lots of little assignments. We did lots of role sheet. Role sheets are like sheets of questions that you have to answer and draw pictures for your answer you have. Another thing about the outsiders is the kids smoke and drink alcohol. If your like me it’s a bit concerning. We did lots of assignments and ill talk about some of them. The Driving question, The driving question was “how can text help me understand my wold view as its changing?” This was an assignment to write a paragraph about how my world view is changing. The next assignment that I will be telling you about is my MindNode. This one wasn’t that hard and we just wrote about world view. It was really easy to format because we did it in an app called MindNode. The last assignment that I will be talking about is my Outsiders scavenger hunt. This was fun to do because it took up a hole class and it was relatively easy. You basically just have to find the correct answer to each question and then put it in the correct place.

<— My world view paragraph <— My MindNode


We also made a song. That was terrible we had to make a song about our wold view. We backed it off of the song its the end of the world as we know it by Bill Berry, Mike Mills, Michale stipe, Peter Buck. But we made a remix. By “we’’ I mean Siena, Daniel and I. 

The link to Siena’s blog is here:

The link to Daniel’s blog is here:

Anyways it was hard to make. Also we hade to time it right. It took us about 2-3 weeks. After the book we watched the movie. The movie was really good but it was so quick. When the movie was halfway done in the book it was in the 2nd chapter! It’s like that in Harry Potter too. This song made no sense to me but we did it anyway. We recorded it on garage band and we had to time it perfectly with the beat. That was really hard and we had to delete one big part because we weren’t on beat. It was sad deleting it but it had to be done. 

<— This is our song lyrics.


After all the struggle and stress I finally got to the finish line of the project. I handed the last assignment. I struggled one last time. I almost gave up one last time. But I made it through the project. So I just wanted to tell you the story of the outsiders project. I hope you liked reading it. Because you made it this far I want to give you a little snack: 🍟🧁🍿🍦🍩 the best part is you don’t have to share with anyone! The snacks are all yours! See you next time


My Hobbies!

Hi, welcome to my first post EVER! My teacher told me to write a post on anything I wanted to  I’m going to talk about some of my hobbies.


I have a lot of hobbies. One of my favourite hobbies is playing hockey. Ice hockey is really fun if you know how to skate. I know how to skate really well and its no harder then walking on land for me. But People that don’t play hockey most likely can’t skate. I’ve been playing hockey for 9 years. I love playing hockey because this year in the one of the best one’s on the team and I’ve scored 5 goals so far.


Skiing is also one of my hobbies. I love skiing in the winter. I tried snowboarding but it hurt my butt and it was too hard. So I stuck to skiing. I mostly go skiing after school so it’s not as busy as the weekends. I love skiing with my friends and it’s really great because we are all around the same level. So that means we can start and finish around the same time. I also do mountain biking but mostly in the summer with my friends. Our bike coach is Em for short. She is a wold champion for ski cross. She won gold in the worlds and she went to Italy for the tournament.


I also like hanging out with animals. I don’t mean that I pretend I am a princess. I mean I like playing with dogs and holding geckos. Some of my favourite animals are Horses, Monkeys, Crested geckos, Chinese cave geckos and dogs.My mom use to have a horse. She has had horses ever since she was a kid. I love horses because I think they are really attaching animals and protective. They can also be kind of  mean. They get scared really easily and if they do get spooked they will most likely kick you or run.


I also will gladly do that in mostly of my free time. I do like lots of other things but I think that would take a lot longer than a post. So thanks for reading! See you next time.


Who am I as a PLP learner?

WAIT before you move on I want to tell you about my first PLP project. This PLP project was called becoming a PLP learner. The driving question was who am I as a PLP learner. I think this project went really well. I had a lot of fun making it and I will put a link to my YouTube video. This project didn’t take that long like some other ones.


You should totally subscribe! ᕙʕಠᴥಠʔᕗ


My first slide is my introduction on the background I made it on procreate. This was really fun to make. The colours were also hard to find.

Word Pack.

Then it’s my word pack I just put a handful of words that I think describe me. I chose those colours because I think they match my personality, Kind, funny, soft. We did this assignment to learn more about our self and each other and because the words describe us.

I am Photo.

After my word pack its my I am photo. It’s practically just a photo that I took and the activity in the picture is something I enjoy doing. In this particular picture I was with my friends and we were mountain biking together. We did this photo because it describes our interests. I learned from this assessment that there are a lot of different people and similar people in this one room every day.


After the I Am photo I have my three most active setting. The first setting is The funny setting. There are multiple pictures in this slide and my favourite picture is the one of me with the bad makeover. That was really fun to do. The second setting is Crazy mode. When I’m in this mode I am REALLY WIRED!!! But a lot of proper like when I’m wired Student mode is my last setting. This setting is often on from Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:00 pm. I can malfunction when it’s lunch. We did this assignment so other people can under stand us and can communicate in a way that we will understand. I Learned from this assignment

Pumpkin Man

My pumpkin man. Ints slide is about a pipkin that we hade to do and we had to use an eraser on digital art. With the eraser we had to draw a face and I did the Roblox man face. The face was not really hard to make but it was fun to try to draw. We did this assignment to learn how to use Keynote painting tools and get comfortable with Keynote .I Learned from this assignment that I am actually pretty good at drawing Roblox man faces with an eraser. Also, I think I learned that even if something unexpected happens, you can still finish and get it done on time.


The next slide was my Memoji. This was really fun to make because we spent an entire class making a Memoji. If you have ever made one you know it’s really fun. We did this assignment because we needed emojis to express our feelings online and to show our personalities. I Learned from this assignment a lot of people have emojis and them and that there are a lot of different shapes and sizes of everything. You also can’t make you perfectly. Everybody is different.



In conclusion to answer the driving question Who are you as a PLP learner? I think I am a funny, kind, helpful,  caring master mind in the making. I think the thing that I learned from the most during this project was my Memoji. This is because I made the Memoji and then I added stickers to the lap top to learn more about myself, while using the Keynote app too!