Hello friends and welcome back to my blog! This week’s post is all about take your kid to work day. Take your kid to work day is an opportunity for kids to explore the wide, wide world of the many jobs that one can do, and specifically their parent’s occupations, in this case. Being in PLP, we couldn’t get away with simply visiting the workplace— we had to make a… VIDEO!! Surprise surprise. This is one of our last major projects in terms of video-making. 

I went to my grandma’s work at the West Van Library. My grandma works as a volunteer who shelves books and sometimes deals with the discards too. It sounds simple, but once you actually comprehend the process that she is part of to make the entire library function, you realize that every bit is important. Unfortunately, I was unable to film, but I managed to combine my narrations with animations to create a little video. Hopefully it will help you understand everything you thought you knew and more about libraries! 

First things first: a checklist. As you can see, I was unable to complete most of the things on this list due to the filming limitation. The video ended up being pretty much imagined up on the spot by me.

Before we get into the day, I must say something. This was honestly such a great opportunity. I never realized what a magical labyrinth that a library is— there are so many parts that make up this massive system to provide media for free to people young and old. A library is like an iceberg: we only see the very tip breaching the water, but the majority of it is submerged. Every part of the iceberg is needed to keep the whole thing afloat!

 If you watched the video, you won’t need another briefing on the day, but there’s still some other little important details I would like to mention. First of all, one of the aspects of this library that I loved so much was the fact that they have a room for everything. They have a little meeting area for teens, a children’s area with a playroom, and many other places to sit and study. They even have a cafe! Another thing I’ve never seen before. I really wish I lived closer to West Van Library, because libraries are great places to do homework. Especially this one!

By far I think my favourite part of the library in terms of its media contents was the film section. You may have guessed this if you’ve seen my other blog post. As a person who loves watching films, I go to the library in my neighbourhood quite often, and have basically tired out the film section. They don’t have too many films, but in the West Van Library they have a massive film section! It’s amazing! I definitely would love to go back there, and working at the library would mean that anytime you have access to all of these resources and movies for whatever you need. 

Overall I had a great day at the library with my grandma. Her job is very important and relevant, and going back to the iceberg metaphor, every little part counts. I had no idea, coming to the library, that so much went into making it function. 

It’s also so great that the school district and PLP teachers encourage and provide this intriguing chance to learn about our parents’ (or in my case grandma’s) job and how they make money. Youth like me are the future, and supporting us to explore every single possibility of what we could possibly be in our future is very important to making sure that we stay motivated and are pioneers for the new generation of workers, no matter what field. 

Lastly I want to thank my grandma for bringing me along! I cherish the opportunity to learn about your occupation! Thanks for reading/watching everybody!Â