May 2022

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Tiny Little Things making other Tiny Little Things

Tiny Little Things making other Tiny Little Things

Hello browsers of the internet, welcome to the blog of my school work and also some other things This is this is my recap of the Meiosis Models project that we’ve recently finished. The driving question for this project is: How is the reproduction of cells essential to the survival of organisms? I will answer […]

Movie Making 101

What’s up gang? I’m working on yet another blog post. This seems to be most of what I’m doing right now.😅 we’re currently finishing a project called Think Like a Movie Maker, and its about you guessed it, thinking like a tree! This project was super fun and not super “grind work” intensive. Grind work […]

The Great War Itself

The Great War Itself

Hello everyone. Welcome back the “The Blog”. After our wonderful spring break, we dove right back into history with our latest project called A War to End all Wars. This project is about  World War One, where the first tanks, plane, submarine and gas attacks where used. These military advancements is what makes this war […]

How to Be Good

How to Be Good

Hi everyone, welcome back to the coolest blog of my class. School right now is a bit of a crunch time and so I’m trying to write a handful of posts at the same time. One of the projects that we’re wrapping up right now is called Believe in Good. This project is about how […]

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