The Final Countdown – Part 4

It is so easy to label terrorists as evil. When we see the bloody, brutal and devastating consequences of actions such as 9/11 or the Munich Massacre, we assume these individuals want nothing more than power and bloodshed. Researching online, I have found this perspective voiced time and time again in articles such as this […]

The Final Countdown – Part 3

Music is everywhere. It’s in our homes, at our stores and constantly playing from our personal devices. It’s also in every time; whether you look at the Victorian era or the 21st century you can find a variety of songs and musical artists to define that period. Recognizing this and how interwoven music is in […]

The Final Countdown – Part 2

There is no doubt that the advancements in communications technology over the past 100 years has been a turning point for humanity. Every event can be recorded and analyzed to the most minute details, exposing every evil and challenging every claim. Some of these advancements, like the iPhone, have changed the fundamentals of how we […]

The Final Countdown – Part 1

It’s hard to ignore the déjà vu. Five years ago, I was practically in the same place I am now. I was in the PLP program’s main room, giving my full attention to the class as it was one of my only commitments. Now I’m back as a senior student without any other classes and […]

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