Weekly Reflection #5

Three perceptions of mine have been shattered over the last week; what an essay is, what MLA Citation is and what equity is. Let’s start with the easiest one to explain. For my whole life, I have been told that the perfect essay follows the rote format of an introduction, three supporting paragraphs and a […]

Weekly Reflection #4

For the past two weeks we have been unpacking the impossibly heavy cargo that is society’s beauty ideals. We’ve talked about what they are, how they impact individuals, how they are impossible to meet, but with all of this a question was still left in my mind:  Where do they come from?  The more I […]

Weekly Reflection #3

To be honest, when we started this unit I was unsure what I would be learning from it. We had completed our civil rights We Shall Overcome unit last year and it appeared that we had learned all there was to learn about human rights and equality. After our dive into Shakespeare’s Taming of the […]

Weekly Reflection #1

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine” – R.E.M. Throughout all of my years in PLP, my blog has never been so quiet. This is understandable however as our world is currently in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic. In March of 2020, our in-person education was shut […]

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