
My name is Gabriele Altomare. I am 14 years old and I live in Vancouver, BC. I attend Seycove Secondary School and I am in the program PLP. This program is based around technology and being very hands on with the subject. For example, a few weeks ago we visited Alberta to view first hand things about the CPR etc.

I am like any other 14 year old out there. I love sports, I love being outdoors, and I really like cooking. My favorite sport is soccer. I play for NVFC (North Vancouver football club.) My favorite thing about soccer is that it helps me relax, when I am upset, I go to practice and I let it all out. My shots become harder, my tackles stronger and overall this helps my game 🙂

For one of my electives I have started cooking class. I think it is safe to say that this is one of the best classes at Seycove. I learn to cook and use different  tools so I can apply them at home. Not only that, But I get to EAT what I cook!

I really don’t like reading. To be 100% honest, I dont know why I hate it. I’m not sure whether its because it takes a long time, or that I am slow at it, but I just don’t like it. I know that I have to muster up the strength to read because most of my assignments at school have to do with reading so it is a necessary part of my life.

I have created many fun memories in life and I hope for it to continue that way. See you soon!


