Since this is my first year in plp, this entire year has been full of new experiences, which have brought on many challenges, time management, staying focused in class while having an iPad in front of me and many more.

My Failures and What I Learned From Them

Off the top of my head the first thing I think of and what I learned from most was Star Wars, the exhibition turned out great but it was my individual project that needed some help.

First off was my information, I had a hard time expanding beyond what I had rehearsed to say and I didn’t have much information on my board either. If I had known more about my topic and had more points on my board to go off of, the whole thing would’ve gone a lot smoother. My board was also pretty weak, it should’ve been bigger with more pictures and writing, so that I could catch people’s eyes as soon as they walked in the room.

Now that I’ve experienced the exhibition, I know that I need to think about the audiences perspective and what they are seeing. If I saw my project, would I want to know more, is it intriguing? And, is my speech interesting to listen to, am I keeping the audience engaged? Are the questions I should be asking my self.


The other project that I think was a bit of a failure was the metaphor machines project, I personally didn’t take it as seriously as I should’ve.

Because we had so much class time to build it, we ended up goofing off and not working as hard as we could’ve, if we would’ve created more of a schedule for ourselves and deadlines for certain parts of the project along the way, we would’ve been more engaged and would’ve worked harder.

The other element of this project that didn’t go as I wished it would, was the research and that was a very important part of the project.
The way my group had researched was, each of us studied one to two events, which was a pretty logical way to do it but we each only new about the two events we studied and nothing about the others.
From this project I learned that I need to talk every project seriously and try my best because it will show in the work if you don’t.


 What do I want to improve on and how will I do it?

I would like to improve on my writing skills, this will help with my blog posts, script writing and any other writing in humanities. I plan to get help after school from either Ms.Maxwell or Ms.Willems, I will also read books more often to help me with my vocabulary and writing style.

My 3 Goals for the 2018 School Year

#1. Time Management

My parents are constantly telling me this and I’m constantly mad myself for not managing my work time, and when I don’t, it just ends up stressing me out and making me feel rushed when it didn’t need to in the first place.
All I need to do is plan out what I need to do each day along with the due dates, so that I can get assignments in on time and not hear about them the night before it’s due.

#2. No Procrastination

I’m a big procrastinator and it’s really bad, I’m constantly telling myself “oh it’s due in two weeks I don’t need to start the project yet or I’ll do it later”. Both of those mindsets need to stop, from now on, once an assignment or project in assigned I will get right on it, then I won’t have as much homework and I will be stress free.

#3. Don’t let school work take over

I should never be sitting at home for five hours straight, it not healthy, and the only reason that would happen would be because of the I said earlier, bad time management or procrastination. I know myself very well and I can’t just sit in my house all afternoon working because my brain will begin to shut off, i work the best and I have the most creativity after being outside. So for this year I plan to make sure that I give myself enough time to do something besides homework everyday.

I hope that my MPOL goes well and that I cover all the information I plan to.





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