Brand Flight student

Model Jonathan Hannah iOS 13.O

Product guide

Thank you for purchasing Flight student Jonathan Hannah iOS 13.0
Commonly known as Jonathan, John or Jonny. This new student comes with functions including but not limited to the following

Likes to have fun
Play games (not in class)
Like problem solving
Really likes doing interesting Projects (example the Ancient civilizations)
Enjoys military history

Before you access Jonathan for the first time you should be friendly, as Jonathan responds well to kindness. If you need Jonathan to do something he needs clear instructions given to him. If not clear instructions the task may not be completed. I unit is not responding try to re-orientating to present. Unit can complete most tasks easily for hard tasks give more instructions.


Jonathan has 2 main settings Student and regular Joe

Setting 1: student

You will mostly interact with Jonathan in student and regular Joe. since he often switches between them. But in class he will be in student mode. Although student is not his default setting
Jonathan is always wanting to get work done but does not always get it done. Do to zoning out or just forgetting about it. Please put in a reminder so Jonathan can complete work

Setting 2: regular Joe

In regular Jo setting you may encounter him In the community he does all the normal functions of a normal person. Reading sports Watching tv playing games if you encounter him in one of these roles feel free to say hello. He is programmed to respond kindly.


Goof off a bit
Zone out
Forget things At times
May stray from conversation



Optimal performance

For optimal performance please

Fuel with mc muffins
Be friendly tell a nice joke
Have a nice conversation
Don’t get on his bad side

And thank you again for purchasing Jonathan Hannah iOS 13.0

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