Hello There

During the few weeks left of October into November, my class and I studied the topic of Poetry. We were given a chance to listen to music and poems to find the literary devices and terms that are normally used to write poems.

We have also studied the understanding of historical Perspectives on Poems. Historical perspective is the understanding of important events during history, that relate towards poetry and poems.


Topics & Groups 

We were assigned to groups of 4-5 people to choose a topic that contains poetry writing. Each group project was based on a topic that we could make up and decide on together. The topic that my group and I chose was “How can understanding poetry, help us understand the growth of Revolution over time”? Over the few weeks we had time in class to work on skits, costumes, and props.

Project & Presenting

In my group, we chose to sing a song as one of our poems. The four of us sang “Imagine” by John Lennon, while Caleb  handed out signs to parents, with words that related to our chosen poetry topics. Each person in our group chose a poem that reflected on revolutions that drive change.

Anika chose an old poem written in the 1700s about England. Caleb chose a poem about the Hong Kong Protests that are taking place right now. Jordyn chose a Poem that she could write herself. Amelia chose the Song “Imagine”.

I chose a poem that was based on climate change.



During the presentation I believe our group did very well. We were able to perform perfectly, but we had a few errors on our speeches. As well when the time came to sing in front of the class we kinda botched it. Overall I think that my part of the project was good, but during the presentation I forgot to address and analysis the poem, talking about rhyme, and other terms.

If you would like to watch me and my groups presentation during class please click on the link below
