A Horror Movie In 17 Days

Shall I call it Macbeth 2.0? The least scariest movie in horror history? Or a complete and utter failure. For this horror unit we were tasked to create a horror movie as a class project, and we only had a measly timeline of two weeks,…

Fear Factor

Third term in PLP has been extremely hectic, yet enjoyable and rewarding in the same sense. So far this school year we’ve looked at the Manhattan Project, WWI, The Depression, WWII, and other texts such as Three Day Road and Macbeth. However, after coming back…

Nuclear Fear – A Monster Made By Man

On August 6th, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb, Little Boy, over the Japanese city of Hiroshima: “The sky over Hiroshima became illuminated with a flash brighter and more powerful than the sun.” The explosion levelled 90% of the…