mPol 2023

Hello and welcome to my one and only mPol of 2023. Please take a seat, or stand if you want I can’t control you.


“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This first semester of the year was an interesting one. Normally when it comes to these presentations I can reflect on a bunch of chaotic projects where everything would be on the brink of crumbling down. However at the time of writing this part of my mPol I have a whole of two projects to show for. 

The grade I wanted: 🌈


  • Writing is marginally easier
  • I’ve found a general process for writing that suits me the best
    • Lots of breaks, revisions, and pondering.
  • I’m able to consistently deliver my ideas in a way that makes sense
  • The next step is to make my writing more interesting and captivating to read

Understanding the project:

  • Asking teachers for revisions early to make sure I’ve met all requirements.
    • Helps me really understand what needs to be in an assignment
    • Can catch mistakes or gaps in a project before they get too large
    • Results in less revisions to fix key components
Japanese Internment (Explicit, Implicit, Biases)

Core Competencies:

  • I think I’m on track to meet most most of my chosen competencies by the end of the year
  • One of the most important ones that I would like to improve is Personal Awareness and Responsibility
    • It is my final year before it starts to get “real” so I would like to get my habits and systems in a good place now to prepare for grade 11.


Must do list:

  • Although all projects and assignments go onto my “Things” list I find that can often fall into the background.
  • To get around this I’ve started physical writing what must be done by the end of the day.
  • This helps me be proactive on what assignments I should spend my time on to not get behind.

Work Schedule:

  • Currently my work schedule isn’t the most sustainable
    • There isn’t any ideal time to do work on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays
    • If my workload increases I’m not sure if 1 hour at the end of the day will suffice
  • There are times where work could be done to make my schedule more efficient and sustainable.
  • However, these times are often where I’m feeling the least motivated.

Potential Solutions 

  • I don’t really have any solutions
  • Doing work in the morning?
  • Doing work later into the night?
  • Just stop procrastinating?
  • Do 5 mins of work when feeling unmotivated?

Overall the only good solution is to schedule and be more proactive with my available times in hopes to reduce workload when I don’t have much time. However I also need to be honest with myself if I realistically don’t have enough time. In those cases where that does happen I shouldn’t hesitate reach out to hopefully come up with alternative solutions.

Any Questions?








I’m just kidding that was too obvious

Romeo Romeo why are we still talking about Romeo and Juliet?

This was the last project of the semester that for some reason happened after mPol prep so I shoved it in at the end. There are two main points of interest with this project.

Rough Drafts

This was one of the first times I successfully implemented one of my systems of using rough drafts to stay on track.

  • This helped me get my ideas down early while the play or movie was still fresh
  • I then went back and revised all of my work to get it to a place I was happy with

Teamwork and Communication

  • This group filming project was interesting because it was one of the first group projects where I didn’t feel like I needed to do everything.
  • I had many ideas I thought were good that got (rightfully) shot down for somebody else’s idea
  • I also noticed the difficulty of communicating different visions between multiple people
    • I took charge when it came to how we were shooting the different shots because I had my vision of how I wanted it to look, but didn’t consult many others about this
    • I now realize how important this type of communication is, and is something I do want to work on improving in the future.

I promise this is the end I wouldn’t pull that trick twice in a row




Or would I…


Any questions?


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