The Medium Is The Message: reflection

At the end of this project me and my group finally decided on a final design for our advertisement. It looks like this:


I think that it looks a lot better than our first draft because it has more important info and the layout looks much better, I still think that we could have added some more of the info that the client wanted for example they asked in an email they sent us to say that their candy is sourced internationally and to put the open hours but we didn’t end up doing that because of space, if we moved some things around I think we could have added them.

How did i get to this stage:

Well it all started when the class was given a project called “The Medium Is The Message” and like most projects it had milestones, 6 of them to be exact. Here is what they were about.

Milestone 1:

This was the intro to the project and our task was to analyze an advertisement. It was fun because we got to watch a cool ad and because we got to write about what we thought about it. I think I did ok on it but seeing that it was the first part of the project I was not very experienced in the topic but I was still happy with my work.

Milestone 2:

This was were we got to show our understanding of milestone 1 but do it better and in a slightly different way. This time we had to do exactly what we did in milestone 1 but with an ad that we found ourselves, then we had to write the message it was saying and who it was targeted towards. I think that i did much better than the first one and was happy with the outcome.

Milestone 3:

For this milestone we did the same as what we did for the first two milestones but had to get a pice of historical text. This was our final chance to show our learning of this topic and i think that I did good, I answered all the questions and did it as descriptive as I could and in the end I did well.

Milestone 4: 

This milestone was our launch journal, it was a team journal were we recorded lots of our plans and feedback for our ad. It had not many guidelines we just had to record into it, I think it went well even though it was a shared document and had some technical difficulties.

Milestone 5:

This milestone we had to read some very complicated text about medium and message being important and a novel called ”The Gospel According To Larry” and it was also kind of about medium and message. We had to then write a paragraph about how they were related. I think I did not do as good as I had hoped and if I can will do some corrections.

Milestone 6:

This milestone was just our final draft of our advertisement and I talked about it at the top of this post.

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