Hi I’m Simon Devisser and I feel that this quote really speaks to me and is me on the inside.  Though I am not someone who has a lot to say, when I came across this quote it hit me quite hard.  Everyday people lose loved ones and often because they do not take care of their health.  Without our health we will be bankrupt just like a mechanic without tools.  Our health is what “keeps us in business” just like a mechanic and his tool he couldn’t work without just like we can’t live without good health. Like I said both of these things mentioned in the statement interest me a lot. I obviously want to stay healthy and I’m really interested in working on cars as I move forward in my life. So first things first I need to take care of my health how my going to do that I need to start eating better cut out sugar cut out eating fast food. My dad has always protected himself as a mechanic by making sure that he properly insured his tools and that he’s protected in case of a workplace accident. Both of these things are things we needed to take care of sooner than later and waiting or not taking the time to take care of our health or in the case of a mechanic, his tools, is going to leave both without anything. waiting too long is the riskiest part it’s harder to get your health back when it’s bad I want your tools are gone it’s hard to get them back in working order or replaced. So like I said this is something I’m gonna take care of. I don’t want to have my family lose me one day because I didn’t take the time take your myself and watching the pride my father takes and taking care of his things I’ve learned from him as well. If he didn’t do this he would have not come as far as he has today. And the good part it now I can use his tools too!