It is June 22, 2022 at 6:23am. The last day of school. You still haven’t finished your final blog post of the year. How can we predict our finances for the future? Hello, internet! In our final Scimatics project for… Continue Reading →
Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own… Continue Reading →
Video… Movie… Film. As we learned during a previous project, titled “Vibrant Video“, there are certain differences between the aforementioned words. Our focus during this Maker project was on creating a film. More specifically, we were to create a documentary… Continue Reading →
hEYYY GUYS, WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER BLOG POST! IT’S YO GUY HERE, PAIN-IN-THE-BRAIN. (Nickname courtesy of Fraser.) Recently, in Scimatics, our class has been the poor victims of a rather disturbing topic, otherwise known as REPRODUCTION. Imagine learning about reproduction, making… Continue Reading →
I am a master of many trades, and video editing is not one of them… yet. Essentially, our latest Maker project was about video. Personally, I was pushed outside of my comfort zone a lot these past few weeks. I… Continue Reading →
In my opinion, the most annoying aspect of summative blog posts is not writing them – which may come as a surprise to some. It’s adding the visuals. Click, click. Exporting… Share to files. Click… Click. File after file, photo… Continue Reading →
I am convinced PLP has cursed me to be an eternal hunchback. These past few weeks, I have found myself hunching over my iPad drawing comics, editing videos, reading books… and worst of all, writing summative blog posts. My neck… Continue Reading →
Destination Imagination (DI) is a global, innovative, STEAM-focused community whose mission is to inspire youth through the creative process. Teams enrolled in DI work together to develop solutions to various STEAM centric challenges. These past few months, various PLP classes… Continue Reading →
❗️TRIGGER WARNING❗️ This post details information regarding the Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information detailed in this post may trigger unpleasant feelings or thoughts. The Indian Residential School Survivors Society encourages you to take time to care for… Continue Reading →
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