3 Weeks of Self-Self

[this blog post will be different from my usual ones, with a different (and hopefully more improved) anatomy]

The Bulk

“Who are you gonna be?” This question echoed throughout my mind since the start of the project, but why is it important? Personally, I find it to be a great self-reflection question that can really get you thinking about yourself and your future. “Self-reflection is a process of communicating internally with oneself. (link)” Looking forwards at goals and expectations that you or others have set out for yourself is important so that you can plan for how you’ll meet those life conditions. Life is also constantly changing, so something that existed as a popular and wide-spread job opportunity when you were a kid might be very low in demand and replaced by another job when you’re in university or when you’re an adult. On the same note, with the world being ever-changing, your personality and who you want to be (see what I did there?) is also ever-changing, affected by the world around you. Life is complicated, and it is one of the main forces that shapes who we are.

Thinking about the driving question (“What kind of person do you aspire to be?”) for the course of the project really helped me improve myself, as it gave me some direction. Especially with the course planning meeting and semester turn-over, all of these influences had me looking forwards more and changing my mindset. This really was a driving force both for pushing myself forwards with projects and life plans, and also with strengthening friendships and relationships to make sure I can still call such amazing people my friends and family in the future. Along with that, I began to think about what kind of person I aspire to be in the future. I brainstormed what really makes someone a role model and also interviewed a person who I thought fit the bill (my grandfather). A role model should be an individual who’s responsible, considerate, empathetic, and trustworthy. These traits are important qualities to me, and something I strive to be in the future. I want to be someone who can be relied on by those around me, and a steady pillar in whatever career path or occupation I choose in the future. I want to be the person who teaches others, mentoring them with the strategies I pick up, and being hardworking and knowledgeable. I look up to those people that can so easily be there for others and naturally be thoughtful and unpretentious. 

Turning dreams into reality, goals


My Work


5 Things

“Who you are? Cameron
What do you love to do? Sing
Who do you do it for? My family and friends
What do they want/need? Entertainment and a friend
How do they change as a result? With friends in choir, I provide support and someone to talk to. Makes them happy (I hope)”

Novel Notes

Personal Interview

“It’s important to balance your life so that you’re not overwhelmed and can’t accomplish what you set out for yourself. My grandfather (interviewee) talks about how he had to give up a bunch of things once he had kids so he could spend the time he needed to with them. This also closes in on the aspect of improving one’s self. Helping others is a good way to also help yourself as it can make you feel good when you accomplish something that makes someone else feel good. Naturally, there can be challenges in the process, but it’s for the best to help become the most efficient and empathetic person you can be.”


Interview Questions and Planning

Exemplary Blogging


Graphic Organizer





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