The more things change

Driving Question: What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?

For this project we made and learned about infographics (informational graphics). We worked in partners to create an infographic about European settlement and the three groups involved, the French, the British and the First Nations. We learned about what makes a good infographic like a clear topic, cohesive aesthetic and it should tell a story.  In contrast we learned about what makes a bad one for example, too much text, unclear topic, and a chaotic aesthetic. We also had to make graphics that related to the French, the British, and the First Nations. We made a QR code linking to a video explaining our infographic


To make the infographic we had to learn about European settlement and the three groups the British, the French, and the First Nations. We also learned about what roles each group had in the fur trade and what alliances they formed.  For example, some of the First Nations had alliances with the French and others allied with the British. 

Answer to the driving question: What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?

We answered the driving question in our infographics thesis, which was: European settlement changed the lives of the First Nations. Alliances between the two groups allowed them to trust each other and to trade with one another, which would expose them to new resources. This partnership was mutually beneficial, and the concept of trading goods between alliances has remained to this day.

Thank youTeva for being a great partner 

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