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Fractions of Your Time Summative blog post

Another project has passed by in PLP, this time, it was in Scimatics.

The driving question was definitely easier to answer as our old question in our medium is the message or user Manual requires some deep thinking. To solve this question, we just had to blog our screen time right? Well that was true but we had to do much more than that. We had to record everything about what we do on our iPads and phone, TV, sleep, non screen time hours, exercise, and a lot of other things. The more sections the better. We added up our totals and made charts comparing different things we do on screens, to comparing our screen time to our exercise etc. To convey these differences and comparisons, we used chats and graphs to easily represent my recordings and findings

We created a lot through this project, and even though it felt super short, looking back, we completed a lot. Coming into this class I was pretty rusty and it wasn’t my strong suit.  After a couple of homework work sheets, my quality of work became much better I moved into more complex stuff that I tried last year in grade 7. I feel much more comfortable with this math. These worksheets/stepping stones helped me write my chart and answer the driving questions

The Screen Time Tracker

Every project is guided by Curricular Competency’s chosen by the teacher to help us answer the driving Question. In this project we had 3.

1.  Applying and Innovating:

This competence was for productive class time usage. For using all of my class time productively and contributing to care for others, self and community. I thought that the social aspect of our table and some of the tables around us were good. We both marked each other’s work fairly and made some social interaction. It was good for a math class.

2. Understanding and Solving:

this one was all about the chart. This competency was about all of our recordings on the chat. All of our calculations are right and everything was in order and neatly presented. I thought that i did good on this and I never thrived to cheat on any of the days and it was all honestly tracked and represented.

3. Communicating and Representing 

This competency was for representation of mathematical ideas and symbolic forms. What this means is our ways of representing and sharing our findings and results in the form of charts. I thought my various designs in all the charts whether ur used pie charts or bar graphs was made to almost perfectly to convey my numbers neat and clearly.

All in all, even though it was not one of the longest projects it was still very fun and a great change of pace from our old language arts projects.


Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. arianec

    Nice blog! I get what you mean when you say that it was “a great change of pace from our old language arts projects.” A little variety every now and then is great. Also, the fire extinguisher on fire as your blog background photo is quite ironic, haha. Did you get that from the internet?

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