Memes Galore

Hello beautiful people of the world! Sadly, this is not going to be a blogging challenge, no, sadly not. Today, I am going to be covering what we did in our most recent project ‘How it started, how it’s going’. Yup, you read that right, the famous meme was the name of our project. What, you might ask, does this have to do with PLP? Well, that’s what this post will be explaining! Each of our projects has a driving question; this project’s was ‘What can we learn from the past, and why does it matter today?’

This project was about building a meme that could show historical perspective and significance. We did this by first learning what makes a good museum. 

We came up with this list:

  • How the museum flows
  • What objects are in the museum (this includes benches, other activities, etc.)
  • How the frames contribute to the artwork
  • The colour of the walls
  • What the floors look like
  • The museum should have a theme

That was the basic list that we first came up with. For our first Milestone, make a rough draft of an exhibit that incorporated all of the above. 

On the responding to text competency, I feel like I did quite well. I think I had a really good design overall. I think that my planning and explanations for what and why I chose what I did were on point. I also think that I had a pretty good beginning, middle, and end. 

This was my Milestone 1:


Next, we stared to learn about what a worldview is (if you look at one of previous student blogging posts, I talk a lot about worldview there). In Milestone 2, we made a collage about our worldview, using our knowledge that we had started to develop. I think this was one of first times where I really started to understand what my worldview was. 

For this Milestone, I really feel like I showed that I was an empowered learner because I used many apps that were on my iPad. I transferred my image to different apps before finding a few that I could mix and match to come up with my final art piece for this Milestone.

This is my collage:

Milestone 3 was definitely the most scary out of all the Milestones that we had to do (even the public presentation one!) This is where we (drum roll, please) took…a…TEST!!!! Since PLP isn’t about taking tests and quizzes, this was very scary and really new to everyone. But, we had a lot of time to prep for it. To do this, we learned about and took Cornell notes. I don’t think that this was my favourite way of taking notes (I’m more of a paragraph shorthand person), but it was cool to see different ways of taking notes…I guess? 

Anyhow, back to this daunting test. In it, I think I showed a lot of historical events. I also feel like I connected the events really well to each other. Throughout my learning on this project, I feel like Milestone 3 was where I really showed being able to establish historical significance. 

Ok, enough boring competencies stuff. This is where our project gets really interesting. So, remember how I said above that we would be creating memes? Whelp, after the test is where our final memes started to take place. 

Following our test, we were put into groups based on what we wrote about in it. I wrote about economy, so I was put into the economy team of our class; therefore, our final meme had to be based around economy. I had six other teammates who helped our group get through the rest of this project without fault (with one exception that I will talk about later). 

In all of our groups, we had the following roles:

  • Art designer
  • Techie
  • Room designer
  • Writer
  • Flex
  • DRI (directly responsible individual)

I was the art designer in our group, which meant that I had to put everyone’s art into a frame that I chose. It also meant keeping everything organized and neat for the viewers of the museum. Being an art designer also meant that I had to deal with the people who didn’t get their pieces of art done in time. I found this really frustrating because we had so much time to find our original art and update it to make it our own. The one bump that we had in the road was when the teachers decided to put an extra door in our room, for fun! No, not actually. We were the last room in the exhibit and they forgot to put an exit in, so, we had to move and re-design our room around the new surprise door. But, other then that, everything worked out according to plan. Overall working with my team was really fun.

Finally, FINALLY!!!!! After all of this hard work, we got to share our museum with the world…the techies and the room designers were in charge of putting everything into the room, but everyone else was working behind the scenes. For our museum, we used this amazing app (that’s free) called ArtSteps. It’s basically an app where you create a museum and walk around in it. It’s open to the public…if you are interested in seeing our final result, please feel free to visit our ArtSteps museum directly here.

Here is my final meme (in the frame): 

Oh my goodness, that was a long post wasn’t it? There was so much to cover though. This project was super eye-opening in so many ways. I feel like I learned so much more about the medieval and renaissance eras. I also think I learned a lot about teamwork. Not to mention I have so many new apps that I now know how to use like SuperimposeX, Procreate, and Keynote. 

Okie dokie, well now you know pretty much everything about this project! Please feel free to ask me any questions or leave comments (following my commenting guidelines). A lot happened in this project so I wouldn’t be surprised if I forgot to mention something. 

Best wishes,


P.S. Shout out to my team! Thank you all for making this project come to life! Makenna, Julian, Max L, Sepaus, Cole, and Samuel, thank you all again!

P.P.S Here’s the companion book that we made with our Milestone 2 collages

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