Today’s Fire Drill

If you ask your child about their day today, you may hear about our fire drill. We had one this morning, and we were able to get everyone outside in a timely fashion.

Students were told about this drill by their teachers, so it did not come as a surprise. The drill was also part of our morning announcements, when Sydney explained about the expectations for behaviour during the drill.

At approximately 11:15 am, I triggered the fire alarm (after warning the fire department of course) and monitored how the students left the building.

During an evacuation drill, it is very important for students to stay calm and follow the directions of their teacher or other staff. They need to proceed silently to the assembly area with their class, and continue to be silent while they await instructions.

I was disappointed.

Silence was what I expected, but it is not what happened. Students were talking loudly with friends, screaming when they heard the bell, or waving hello to people in other classes.

We can do better.

We will do better.

Fire drills are very important practice in case we should ever find ourselves in a real fire or emergency situation. Students need to be able to respond to teacher directions, and they need to be able to see and hear any instructions that are given.

I reviewed this with students after the drill. I hope they truly understand the importance of their cooperation during our school drills.

For any parents reading this, could I ask a favour? Please discuss with your child the importance of being silent during a drill, and the importance of doing their best to demonstrate that they can cooperate by following all directions.

All of our classes were able to get outside quickly, and for that I am grateful. But I am not satisfied with just getting outside.

I expect that all of us can and will do our part to make drills safe for everyone.

Take care