hi welcome to another on of my blog posts

this blog post is a TPOL post if you don’t remember what that is its a transitional presentation of learning where the driving question is about if I’m ready to go to grade 10 and i think i am but here is some more words to prove it and to talk about the year so far.

During the second semester, I decided that I would really try to change and improve how hard I worked and how dedicated I was to my school work. So, as a first step, I started going to tutorial time if I had any work that I needed to do. I worked on getting my tasks done during class and ignore more distractions than I had before. But there is one area where I really struggled – doing work outside of school. It’s hard because I started to have things to do after school and I also would easily get distracted at home. I decided to start to look for a quiet space at home where I could concentrate better. I also started to figure out different ways to avoid distractions. I wanted to try new strategies, like managing my time better and using apps to stay focused. My favourite strategy is using the clock app and setting timers to help moderate my work and attention and using alarms to remind myself to do homework.

Currently, as I’m writing this blog post, I realize that I’ve only managed to make two blog posts throughout the entire year. This is quite impressive, but it’s also a big reminder that I’ve been falling behind as a learner. However, I really want to change that. I’m focused on completing all the very late work to prove to everyone that I’m ready for grade 10. This blog post is the most important for me right now. It’s my main priority, so I want to finish it before working on my other posts. I believe that by doing all that, I can show others that I’m prepared to face the challenges that grade 10 will bring and that I’m fully capable of overcoming them.

I looked back at the beginning of the school year, I can really see how much I’ve grown and improved. To prove that I’m ready for grade 10, just take a look at my grades. They were terrible at first, but now they’ve gotten better. A big reason for this change was my MPOL. It made me think about my work and how to do better. Before the MPOL, I definitely wasn’t a good student because I was behind and gave poor work. then I decided to buckle down and put in the effort to get good grades.

Out of all my classes, humanities is where I feel like I’ve made the most progress. As I already said, I used to be a bad student. But I worked on myself and I found some strategies to help me improve I think I really picked myself up. I started using different study techniques and had a positive attitude. I re-read my learning plan to keep myself on track. Now, I could say that I’ve made big improvements in humanities and all my other classes.

It’s hard for me to talk about the other classes because humanities has been my only PLP class this semester so I only have some foggy memories about science, maker and PGP. That’s why I wanted to dedicate a big part to humanities because I’ve grown the most in it but I can say that in all those classes I was an ok – bad student but if I had the chance to do them all again I would be a good student who does all their work. I mean I had fun in all those classes but I had a big problem with procrastination so I had a lot of work that was late.

To answer the driving question directly, “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”. I feel that I can openly face any challenge that comes at me and use all the skills that I have learned over the year to do, work, ask questions, talk about difficult subjects and have ethically conscious discussions. Some skills that I’ve learned to be more specific are, that I’ve learned strategies and got out of a habit of procrastination, I learned how to ask good and thought-provoking questions and set goals in maker, I’ve learned how to show all sides of the story and consider them in the winter exhibition. And I learned how to think and talk using the information the had at the time in humanities. I have many more skills that I didn’t have in grade 8 and in grade 9. I mentally am ready for the challenges of grade 10 and I truly think I can handle everything that happens next year.

I want to talk about my statement of learning intent because as you can read and have read I would say that I didn’t follow it for most of the year but over these last few weeks I think I have achieved it and if I was to put the same thing for next year I think I could follow it well.

I want to show that I followed the goals that I set for myself so here are the competencies that I set for myself for this year I think the best evidence that I did all these things is the project I did for the spring exhibition this year where I made a world war 1 howitzer that shot targets

This project shows my communicating rating because I felt comfortable and proud while presenting it and didn’t feel that anyone was confused when using it. It shows my collaboration because even though I made the cannon by myself the actual exhibit was a group effort that I think turned out really well and that I help build I also helped give feedback to my other group member’s work. It shows my creative thinking because I came up with the idea and most of the solutions which I think shows lots of creativity and thinking skills. My critical and reflective thinking skills are shown by all the problems I needed to solve for example I originally had it using a big fan that was hidden in the barrel but it wasn’t working so instead of giving up I put a hair dryer and made a plan for it to work. My personal awareness and responsibility is shown by me knowing my skills for the exhibition and making something that would be fun for me and that I have the skills to do an above-average job. My personal and cultural identity is shown by me choosing to make a howitzer because that is what my family did in the war and I wanted to do something that would tie me to my family’s history in a sense. My social awareness and responsibility is shown by the fact that I helped others when I can I tried to recycle everything that I could and I tried to reuse anything I could to not harm the environment. I try to do work to this standard most of the time but I thought this would be a good example because there is a chance that the person reading this went and saw the work that I did and so it would be easier to understand without my going into great detail as to not spoil the blog post for this project.


Thanks for reading this i hope you have a good one.