You Got to draw all week?!

Last week in Maker

Last week we had a really fun time in maker! All week we were learning about sketches pro and learning how to use the pens. I learnt so much last week and I love to draw on my iPad so it was so cool to do it for a whole week in maker. Over the week we made 4 pieces of art but we had a pro-d day on Monday so we weren’t at school to do art. I can’t wait to make more fun pieces of art on Sketches Pro in the future.

Testing the Tools

Before we stared any of the drawing on Monday we had to use and get to know the tools. We had to draw 6 boxes and use a different tool in each square. I liked using all the different Tools and learning to use them.

Our Word Art

Also on Tuesday we made word art! We had to make a piece of art where we had to choose a word or we could use our names and draw it on Sketches Pro and make a design. I learnt how to use the blend brush and how to use the water colour brush to make a cool water colour design. I learned how to make new layers so I wouldn’t blend all of the art and ruin it so I made a new layer so I could blend the thing I wanted.


Robot and 3D cube

On Wednesday we were asked to make a 3D cube and add shading to it. I had never done any drawing on sketches pro let alone done shading on an iPad. I have done shading before on paper so it was kind of hard to do shading on the cube. I’m warning you it doesn’t look the best but I tried. We also had to make a robot by tracing the shape or using the ruler. I liked this one and I think I got better at shading things because now it looks better. I had to make some revisions on the cube because I got some feedback and they told me what could be better.

Our Emojis

On Thursday we had to draw an emoji. We found on image and were asked to draw it. I decided to use my favourite emoji which is the star eyes🤩. I really like this emoji because I think it looks cool and I like the how the eyes are stars. I am proud of my emoji I got even better at shading and I am very proud of the way the whole thing turned out. The stars a a little wonky because I didn’t realize there was a star tracer until my friend told me after I had finished.

Our Logos

On Friday our last day of the week we had to make a logo for a brand we thought of. I really liked drawing and designing the logo and the sheep doesn’t really have any thing to do with the cereal but it was cute so I drew it. My brand was about cereal. It’s an app where you can order any shape of cereal you want. You can also customize the cereal box too! I chose this as my brand because I thought that it would be cool to have custom cereal!


I really enjoyed the weak inn maker we had. I really like to draw and I really tried my hardest to make my drawings look good. I think that I have done a good job on everything. One thing that I am most proudest of is the emoji. I think that I did a pretty good job on it and it is the thing that I think I worked hardest on. Don’t worry i worked hard on all my artwork i just spent more time on my emoji. I hope that you enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed working about it!😁