Alice in Wonderland, Eh

In class we have learned about wonder and imagination. We also read Alice in Wonderland. The whole point of us reading it was to do an… essay, one of the most dreaded words in all of school. For a while we had to learn about how to write a proper essay and that was kind of hard to wrap my brain around. After learning everything we needed to we were given some preperation sheets to get ready for it and basically have something to bring in that will remind us what we wanted to right about. We were given 40 minutes to write the essay which some people finished others didn’t I finished with around 680 words. Other people had close to 1000 and some people had, around 250. The topic of the essay was “How are Viewers Drawn to Imaginary Worlds” we had to use quotes and things from Alice and Wonderland. I thought that I did a pretty good job concidering I am not a very good writer.

Basically what my teacher told me

Here is my essay.

How are Viewers Drawn to Imaginary Worlds?
The Peter Pan effect is a phenomenon known all over the world and a reason why individuals are drawn to imaginary worlds. Just about everybody is drawn to imaginary worlds in many ways. I will give three examples which supports this fact. These include, the term escapism, the need for a hero, and the basis of good versus evil.

Escapism, the first reason for that is that people want to escape from their ordinary life. People find their lives boring, because they are constantly working and aren’t having fulfillment and they regret growing up which then I link back to the Peter Pan effect, which means you don’t want to grow up. People also end up daydreaming because their mind wants to be somewhere else where it can run free and nothing matters. A really big reason is that you can basically forget about your life, like how some people just curl up with good book and forget about their surroundings. An examples of this is in Alice and Wonderland, Alice wakes up near the end of the book and finds out it was all a dream, which shows that she was bored with just sitting next to her sister on that hill. This also brings the reader to want to have a role model or a hero.

The need for a Hero is a big reason for why people are drawn into fantastical worlds. One of the main reasons why it is so important is that it is somebody to look up to, and somebody that you want to be. The hero overcomes things no matter the odds which gives you hope, with the readers they can relate to as their biggest challenge in their own lives. “Seeing such a character triumph against evil empowers us to aspire to do something great that can change the world around us.” (Evan Morgan; The Appeal of Fantasy, paragraph 5) the quote by Evan Morgan is so true with how it empowers the reader. There is also usually an evil force for the hero to face.

The third and final example is that the idea of good versus evil draws to fantastical worlds. One reason for that is that it makes the reader feel good when the protagonist overcomes the antagonist so good triumphs over evil. The idea of two forces — one good and the other evil — in a constant struggle against each other has been around for a very long time.” (Evan Morgan; The Appeal of Fantasy, paragraph 4) This quote basically states that good versus evil used a lot to intrigue the reader.The final reason on good versus evil is that the struggle between two forces helps the audience relate to the audiences own life and makes the audience feel like the protagonist in story.

These are the three main reasons why people are drawn into imaginary worlds, and they are reasons why people would stay with the story all of the way through. There are still many reasons why people are drawn into imaginary worlds but, escapism, the need for a hero and the idea of good versus evil are some of the main common threads which attract individuals to get lost in imaginary worlds.

I hope that wasnt too boring but, but I passed eh.


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