About Me:

Hi, welcome to my blog,
my name is Finn and I am a PLP student at seycove secondary some things about me are:
I love programming, making games, playing games, 3d modelling, making animations, and really almost anything that involves computers, I also enjoy drawing, reading, listening to music and sitting around doing nothing in particular. in the winter I like skiing and just walking aimlessly around in the snow.
here’s a collage I made to represent me:

and here is a animation i made that further represents me:

this blog is where I post things related to my schoolwork, projects and sometime just random stuff, although mostly schoolwork.
Anyways, now that you’re done reading my about me, how about you explore the rest of my blog.

why are you still here

You should not be here

you will awaken it.

you will awaken…

The footer menu.