User Guide: Griffin IOS 1.3

Brand: PLP Learner

Model: Griffin IOS 1.3 


Congratulations on your purchase of the new PLP Griffin IOS.1.3 learner, this update can be applied to other older models such as the the Griffin IOS.0.2 if your that old. This device is a passionate learner and may potentially engage in long, complex conversations over topics this device is interested in. This device always try’s to come to class with a growth mind set and is always wanting to learn. This device has three main modes 

  1. Historian
  2. Lego obsessive 
  3. Learner


Before you access Griffin IOS 1.3 you may need to get this device into the lesson early for it may be tired and not functioning at full capacity. If the device is not tired it will pay attention and do its best to follow directions. This device will always try to come to class with a growth mind set and is also willing to share. The Griffin 1.3 is always friendly and will engage in conversation with learners and teachers before a lesson or after, do not be afraid to approach the Griffin IOS 1.3.


The Griffin IOS 1.3 is mostly accessible during the school day, mainly in his classes such as the math 8 class tough by the other Mr. Harris. Or the PLP 8 Maker room, the PLP 8 ELA/Socials room or the gym for P.E. This device is also accessible via Email at or via Showbie, Griffin often engages in after school activities wether that is sailing camp or watching a movie with his dad, he does check but our advice is to send multiple notifications through various platforms.


 The Griffin IOS 1.3 has three main modes 

  1. Historian, this is the Griffin IOS 1.3s most energetic mode, this device loves to talk about history, make project and much more. If in this mode be prepared to have talks and discussions about the battles and politics of the war.
  2. Lego obsessive, this is the Griffin 1.3s playful mode, the older models of the Griffin loved to play with lego and this one still does but is now entering collector mode, be warned if the device is in this mode because it will start fantasizing over lego Star Wars sets or something similar depending on the mood.
  3. Learner, this is the Griffin 1.3s calm mode, this is when the Griffin is ready to learn and to start working. This mode is often accompanied by a growth mind set and pay attention and do its best to follow directions and complete assessments to the best of its abilities.


This device may…

  • Be prone to conversations on topics this device is interested in such as, currant events, history and much more.
  • This device may also be prone to chat with friends during lessons which is an unfortunate glitch in its operating system, the best way to handle it is to remind the device not to and if it continues to they you may administer a punishment you feel fit.




 Talking in class

Do best to remind device and it will stop

Having long conversations before class

Best way is to end the conversation by saying “it’s time to start class now” and the device will stop.

May not anticipate to pay attention due to low power.

Best way is to get the device involved in any way you can.


  1. Keep fueled with tea and history talks 
  2. Make sure to keep the Griffin 1.3 involved in the task at hand
  3. Make sure to reinforce homework completion.