Indie’s 3am thoughts

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Why will small specific parties never get seats?

Hi! I’m Indy and today we’re going to talk about why small political parties like the Marijuana party, or the Animal protection party or even the Green Party can’t get seats during elections.

Quite a few of these parties are single issue parties, which means their platform points are actually really just 1 or 2. For example, one of these parties could be fully focused on climate change, and their whole platform could be based on climate change. The only problem with this kind of platform is it’s hard to know where these parties stand on everything else. Click here for even more information!

There are 13 parties total that are not one of the big 6. When electing a prime minister, it’s hard to believe that any of these parties could ever win. Take the Green Party for instance, they run every year, and get a big platform, but they never win simply because instead of having a bunch of platform points, they like to focus on the green side of things and the environment. Obviously they have talked about other issues when running, but it’s hard to think that they’d ever win, because they’ve built their campaign off of one issue.

In my opinion, these small parties will never win, because they never have enough of  a following or a platform to gain traction that leads to a seat in parliament. That sounds a bit confusing, but it’s very true. When it comes down to Canada, and the final votes are being counted, it’s always between the Liberals and the Conservatives, it always has. I can’t tell the future, but based on evidence over time from 1867 – now, it’s either been conservative, progressive conservative or liberal. Click here to see.

So based off of this evidence, we can see that they’ve never won, or gotten any seats. Now we could argue that there’s a lot of change happening at the moment, but if we’re being honest I just can’t see it happening.

When it comes to how the Canadian government is structured, to simplify it if you get a seat you’re in, if you get 170+ seats you’re a majority government with quite a bit of power. When that runs in with the election process with all of the areas elected officials, these small parties don’t even really have enough people to disperse to all 338 districts. 

So, in conclusion, maybe there’s a point for these small parties to run, and they’ve definitely been trying for a long time, but at the end of the day, they almost don’t matter in the big picture.

Thanks for reading!




indiras • September 22, 2021

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