Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world

TPOL 2023

Welcome to my 2023 Transitional Presentation of Learning (TPOL)

Unique circumstances 

This year I’ve had the odd opportunity to experience PLP a bit differently than everyone else, doing one semester inside of PLP, and one outside. Due to a scheduling conflict, I was in a dilemma, one that got solved in a way I never knew to be possible. Doing PLP for only half of the year, and taking English in mainstream, getting PLP as a socials credit. It was a very unique and interesting experience, discovering the differences, how it effects my learning, and how I can grow from it in regards to bettering my understanding of my learning process and identity.

But before I get into that, I want to speak on the core competencies, and how I’ve grown them over the year.

Personal and social

This competency is about identity, personal and social, and how well I understand it and interact with it.

Stories Of Hope

School, what is it good for?



This competency is about methods of critical and strategic thinking, whether on a big project or just notes, being able to actively think is an important life skill that everyone should be competent with.

Stories Of Hope

The coldest war


This competency is about being able to communicate and connect with the people around you, whether that’s peers, teachers, or just friends, it’s important to be able to be a part of a community.

Stories Of Hope

School, what is it good for?

The coldest war

The Trip

In all of the competencies, the trip shows up. The trip to the States for the Stories Of Hope project holds a special place in my heart. That trip really helped me reflect and gain new insights, which is why it appears in so many aspects of my learning, because those trips truly do change habits and provide so much to the learners who go.





The Most Proud of:

The most proud piece of work I’ve done this year has to be the comic. Kicking off the year strong and being so ready to get back into PLP was a strong motivation for me to put outs of work into my comic, making it one of my most proud pieces of evidence.


Needs Most Improvement 

My work for the Stories of Hope project overall. When on these trips experiencing so much and learning so much all at once can be overwhelming, and when we get back from the trips it can be hard to put all you’ve seen into words. The video I made for the trip was okay, but I think out of all the work I’ve done this year it is this that needs some improvement, just because of the overall struggle I had with getting it done, and on time.

PLP versus English

I thought it would be good to save a moment for mainstream English, to discuss the experience, and some of the work I did there too. In English, everything was laid out very direct, and I got to learn about some of my learning habits, and how PLP can differ from the standard class.

We did several assignments in English, some focusing on the competencies (personal and social: Seycove Journalism communication: Walter Mitty Essay Good Copy  Thinking:Mrs Mitty POV )

I learnt that in my learning, doing hands on work, and being able to take feedback and improve on my work has been a huge help. When doing assignments, I could critique my own work, and improve it to my own standard, with the knowledge that what I submit is pretty much final. I know that with my own habits, I can find strength in feedback, understanding, and overall confidence that my work will improve if I put in the work.


This year was great, it was certainly a unique experience, but I believe that because of everything, (the projects, the trip, the mainstream), my learning habits and process has grown, and I’m proud of all I’ve accomplished thus far.

Thanks for listening to my Year end presentation of learning, looking forward to learning and growing again with PLP next year!


indiras • June 19, 2023

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