“We Are All Irrational”

The title of this post is from author, and entrepreneur: James Clear. In PGP (personal growth plan, for anyone reading this that aren’t my teachers) we’ve spent the majority of the year studying Clear’s values, and discoveries. A couple days ago I came upon an article on his website with the title: “5 Common Mental Errors That Sway You From Making Good Decisions”.  This title caught my eye right away.…

“White Gold”: The Slave Trade’s Role in America’s Sugar Industry

I remember as a kid, going to the grocery store with my parents. We’d enter the doors, grab a cart, and make our way through the walls of food. I remember thinking of it as such an exciting place, all these colourful objects, with different names, from different places. At the end of our shopping trip, we’d begin to load our groceries onto the conveyer belt, and right by the…

“A Long Series of Small Wins and Tiny Break Throughs”

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been reading a book called Atomic Habits, written by James Clear. This book is based around the four laws of behaviour change: cue, craving, response, reward. Each section of the book focuses on these four laws, in the result of replacing your bad habits with good ones. The main message in the book is that, the little steps matter much more than you’d…

MPOL 2019

How Have I Improved Since My Last MPOL? A couple of the goals I made for myself in ninth grade, one being time management and not letting school takeover. I believe recently with the help of time blocking, I’ve almost completely achieved my goal.  For the past couple of years in school, I have been struggling to find a way to keep track of my time, making sure I use the time I have…