It’s The End Of The World As We Know It!

4 weeks of reading, 4 role sheets, hours of writing lyrics, and I end up with a music video.

In Humanities, our first project was called It’s The End Of The World As We Know It. The driving question for this project was “How can a text help me understand myself as my worldview is changing?” We explored many different assignments within this project, which all worked towards the music video we created at the end. 

We started reading The Outsiders to begin our project, and I was pushed into the world of Ponyboy. I wasn’t particularly interested in the book at first, we were meeting the characters and learning how they lived, but more I read, the better it got.    

Role Sheets

After we finished reading 3 chapters, we did a role sheet. The role sheet was a way for our teacher to make sure we were reading, and we discussed it with our group in class that day. We reflected after each discussion, and then handed it in to either get feedback, or get a check mark meaning that you did it properly. 

One of my favourite things we did in this project was my MindNode. Lots of people said it was hard but I liked it. This app in one I will definitely use in the future. It’s a mind map, where you can add on to it, but the app organizes it, so it’s easy to read.  

I worked for a long time making sure I had no spelling mistakes, and that it all made sense. I love how I can make it look super neat, becasue I don’t like handing things in that are messy. 






We  made this meme that was supposed to represent our groups’ western worldview. I do not think that we did a good job on this because it doesn’t really show our understanding of western worldview.

This was our description:

This meme shows western worldview because in our world our bank accounts are reliable. Some people are a lot more stressed knowing that their money is not safe, but the cat face shows that we are happy because our money is safe in the bank.

 Venn Diagram

This Venn diagram was something I did for the setting reflection. We brainstormed what is different about the 1960’s and now, and what is the same. I then explained how the text of the novel is still relevant today by writing this short paragraph.

The text is still relevant today because there are still gangs, and lots of violence. There are 434 gangs in Canada, and most of them are violent. These kids/adults need help, because some of the reasons they run away are that they lost their family, or their family is mean and doesn’t appreciate them.


Where I got my information.

But wait! Do you want to watch my music video?

First I will go through the steps to making the music video.

At first, we didn’t know that we were singing in a group, but we did know we were singing by ourselves. I DO NOT like singing, so I wasn’t very pleased about this. We hopped on the long twisty rollercoaster of making our song lyrics. I had trouble with this. I don’t know what it was, but I found it very challenging. I started off by printing the lyrics out to REM’s song It’s the End of the World as we Know it, and then I counted the syllables in each line. I thought long and hard about my transition from elementary to high school. I began with rhyming words, and then seeing if they sounded good together. 


I was ecstatic when I found out I didn’t have to sing by myself! Right away, the 3 of us combined our lyrics into one really good song. In my group, I was with Robin and Samual. As soon as we finished our lyrics, we jumped right into recording the song. We used an app called GarageBand to keep our vocals and the background music in.

Music Video Madness

Making the music video was stressful because there were a lot of different components to think about and include. We had to make our lyrics, record our group singing, and then add all of the photos in for the video part. It was a lot, so I had to find a way to make it seem like there was less. I just focused on what I could do in the moment, and not worry about everything else ahead of me. Once we had our song recorded, we  it into iMovie where we added all sorts of photos. The video was about our transition from elementary to high school, so we had photos of graduation, with our friends, baby photos, and more. 

The Best Part!

Although it took a lot of work, I am proud of the final outcome. In class we got to watch the Outsiders movie. We had to do a Venn Diagram while we were watching that was my Worldview against their Worldview. The movie was ok, but the book was definitely better.


This project went well for my very first project. Something I could work on would be keeping track of my work better. A lot of the time I was behind, so in the future, I will use Things more to manage my work. I think that our music video turned out really well, and I am proud of it. I have learned lots of new things while in this project such as using  like iMovie, GarageBand, and MindNode. I learned how to input recorded song lyrics into , and then record vocals on top of that. 

Thank you for reading! Keep watching for the next post!





Power Play or How it Started


  1. evelyns

    I loved your post (and the widget on the side was very cute) Your video was great and I loved how you added your favourite thing. Keep up the good work!


  2. Emilia

    HIIIIIIIII ITS ME. I love the post it’s really great looking 👀🦍. I love the theme and it look really cool. I love all the pictures and the categorizes. I think you could add some colour or something like that. But other than that it looks great!
    -Emilia 🥰😍😁😆

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