In Fair Verona where we lay our scene….

Hey everyone!!!! This post is all about our most recent humanities project “I heart Verona”. This project as you probably assumed was all about Romeo and Juliet. The main goal was to : present a live audio story (Romeo and Juliet) that makes an audience appreciate the relevance of Shakespeare. 

Along with demonstrating Shakespeare’s relevance we also focused on working on the following skills. 

Analyzing text: Have I expressed an understanding of how texts use literary devices, context and language to enhance both meaning and impact the reader? 

I think I learned most in this competency at the beginning of this project. In milestone one we explored why Shakespeare’s work is still adapted today. We turned to Romeo and Juliet for answers, focusing on what aspects of the text made it so timeless. I recognized traits like relatability, romance and naivety. Which seemed to me reasons why Romeo and Juliet is so likeable. 

Soon after experiencing the text it was time to create it. We had to adapt the play’s plot into a modern version, which would appeal easily to a modern audience. 

Here’s the storyline I created….

Verona Incorporated the most successful pharmaceutical company in the world is made up of two major branches. The Capulet branch which manages non prescribed drugs. And the Montague branch that manages prescription drugs. The two branches have always been competitive and the lead CEO Mr. Escalus has dealt with their rivalry for years. The two began hating each other many years ago when the company was going broke. Mr. Escalus senior was contemplating ending one of the branches. The Capulets and Montagues turned against each other. Each fended for themselves, even after Mr. Escalus senior reassured the two branches neither were to be discontinued. The damage was done. Today the company is suffering, rumours of the end of one of the branches resurface. The hatred between branches is stronger than ever. Despite tough times in the company, CEO Escalus invites the whole Verona Incorporated to a company banquet. Tonight is important for both families that run the branches. They need to impress CEO Escalus if they want to stay in business. Mr. and Mrs. Capulet have a plan, their daughter and the heir to their branch, Juliet will charm and form a relationship with Paris, the cousin of CEO Escalus. Juliet hates her parent’s plan, although she knows she has to follow it through for her family. At the banquet Juliet spends the night talking to Paris. Hours into the event Juliet takes a break from her mission to attempt to enjoy the party. She bumps into Romeo, the two hit it off and really get to know each other. Even at the end of the banquet when they discover their families are in fact rivals, they still are interested in one another. The next day Romeo finds Juliet’s work email on the Verona Incorporated website. They begin calling and texting each other. Romeo confesses to Juliet that he absolutely hates Verona Incorporated. Juliet agrees. They bond over their dislike of their similar fate. They joke about running far away and forgetting the world of Verona Incorporated. A few days later Romeo is called in for a business meeting at the Verona head quarters, He’s excited based on the possibility he could see Juliet. 
Numerous of Romeo’s friends and foes are there. Mercucio, Romeo’s friend and the nephew of CEO Escalus. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Montague. Tybalt, Juliet’s annoyingly vain cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Capulet, and luckily Juliet. The meeting begins when CEO Escalus arrives. The main topic of the meeting is the rumours of downsizing the company. CEO Escalus verifies the rumours and explains that it is necessary for the companies survival. The whole room is outraged and Tybalt begins to insult Romeo and the Montague’s. Mercucio defends the Montague’s, Tybalt gets mad and punches Mercucio. Romeo rushes to help his friend, when he sees that Mercucio is badly injured. Romeo attacks Tybalt. They begin to fight and Juliet yells at Tybalt to stop. Her concern exposing her relationship with Romeo. CEO Escalus fires Tybalt and suspends Romeo. The meeting is cancelled. As soon as the Capulets return home Juliet is locked in her room. Juliet can’t live without Romeo. She asks for the help of her friend Dr. Lawrence, a scientist who develops new drugs for Verona Incorporated. He pitches a new drug he’s been working on that will make her appear dead for long enough to be removed from the Capulet’s penthouse. The Dr. promises to call Romeo and tell him to meet Juliet at the airport. Dr. Lawrence sends the drug to Nerissa, the Capulet family nurse. Nerissa delivers the drug to Juliet. Juliet without hesitation takes the drug. Dr. Lawrence calls Romeo from the lab at Verona, but because of the companies frugality the WIFI is awful. Dr. Lawrence tells Romeo “Juliet is taking a pill that will make her appear dead, she will be transported out of the Capulet home. Then she will meet you at the airport.” But all Romeo heard was “Juliet is taking a pill….dead….transported.” Romeo was distraught, he couldn’t believe that Juliet was dead…. once he heard rumours from his family it finally sunk in. Romeo realized he would rather die with Juliet than live without her. Romeo finds himself at the top of the Verona Incorporated head quarters prepared to join his true love… when suddenly his phone beeps. He looks at the screen, and he cannot believe his eyes. It was Juliet…. the text read “You’re coming right? Didn’t Dr. Lawrence call you. Because if he did you’re really late, our flight’s about to leave. “ Romeo rushed down the stairs and out of Verona Incorporated. He hailed a cab and rushed to the airport to meet Juliet. The star crossed lovers reunite just in time to get on their flight to Eremito, Italy. A hotel with no technology, no feuding families and no bizarre pharmaceutical companies. Back at home the Montagues and Capulets bond over their loss and realized that life is too short to fight. The two merge into one branch and with a now collaborative peaceful work environment Verona Incorporated thrives.

While most of this milestone was fuelled by random ideas, I also took into account what I had analyzed from the play. I focused on accentuating the most liked moments and hiding or eliminating aspects that I thought a modern audience would hate. I realized while examining the play and researching it, that despite it clearly being titled a tragedy people still considered it a romance. That idea transformed my version into a much happier and definitely minimum tragedy tale. While tragedy was well received by Elizabethans, it isn’t actually well appreciated by a modern audience. Just from watching my classmates reaction to the play I knew I was right. That a modern audience wouldn’t see the tragic events as poetic chaos, but instead as naive and stupid acts caused by a weirdly young couple. 

b0red / Pixabay

Many small aspects of the play inspired me throughout this milestone. Paying attention to small details, and analyzing not only the text but every source around me truly payed off. I not only am super proud of my story, but feel like I know Romeo and Juliet really well. I think if I carry out these updated skills and continue working at analyzing text I can potentially create way better work. 

Innovative designer: How might I design a solution to a problem, process or challenge?

I improved in this competency a lot while working on milestone four. For milestone four we were tasked at making a co-hosted podcast about what makes an adaptation. My co-hosts were Grace and Anthony. 

Making this episode wasn’t easy. Although it was our second episode we had made during this project, (the first all about classics.)

It was still difficult to prepare, since the episode was based solely on a conversation. That unpredictability almost forced me to imagine solutions to possible problems in advance;

Thinking of issues and conflicts beforehand helped me prepare. Being innovative on the spot is important and having plan B’s in mind was great practice for future projects. Life is so unexpected its important to be creative and flexible. 


Take historical perspectives: How can we overcome our current concerns, beliefs and values to understand those of people in the past. 

I feel I worked on this skill best at the end of this project. In milestone six we presented our Radio show live online! 

Taking historical perspective was important in this milestone because we needed to understand the language and message we were putting out, and most importantly we had to comprehend the people we would play. 

PRELUDE: INT. 2 people sitting on chairs, these are the college students (Kaden and Gabe) Kaden and Gabe are at the mic’s. Sound people are on the stage. KADEN Ayo what are we watching? GABE I don’t know man, the TV won’t work Tv static noises KADEN Well it probably isn’t working because you’re not doing it right (dummy, idiot, stupid, etc..) *pause* give it to me Sound of buttons on remote being pressed TV channels switching (2-3x) Change to TV static (fade but not completely) GABE You idiot you broke it! GABE No it’s not working I swear it’s not me KADEN Pffft sure buddy, watch this, you just press this button and voila! KADEN Dude chill it was already broken, it’s not my fault! GABE Either way now we don’t have anything to watch KADEN Cheer up my guy, we can play cards or bake brownies Oven dings “Ba dum tss” sound effect GABE Haha very funny. Seriously though we could just see what’s on, give it a chance man GABE I’m not in the mood KADEN (sarcastically) Okay Mr. Mood Swings what did you have in mind GABE Dunno, *pause* we could listen to the radio KADEN Sheesh grandpa didn’t realize we travelled back to the Stone Age KADEN Ughhh, fineeeee. But if you even think about making me listen to one of those stupid “What Are We Wearing Today,” podcast episodes again, Podcast music Podcast music KADEN No. GABE Nattering About Natural Resources? Podcast music KADEN Nope. GABE Ehhhh man go easy on that podcast, it’s actually pretty clutch KADEN Alright alright chill buddy just pick something to listen to GABE Okay okay how about Anime Unveiled? GABE Uhh okay how about this adaptation of Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? KADEN As somebody who has read “The Highest Tide” I will allow it. GABE Shhhh it’s starting (cut Kaden off) Transition music into the play (classical or theme) CHORUS Music fades out In fair Verona where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life. The fearful passage of their death marked love, and the continuance of their parent’s rage, which but theirs children’s end, naught could remove, is the two hour story of the day. ACT 1: INT. STAGE A few people walk on stage talking. Capulet lackey 1, Capulet Lackey 2, Actors start at the mic’s. Sounds of market and people talking in background The Capulet Lackeys laugh. (Long/loud) CAPULET LACKEY 2 Draw thy sword. Here comes the house of Montagues. Sound of sword being drawn Montague lackey enters bumping the shoulder of one of the Capulets. Sound of them bumping into each other CAPULET LACKEY 1 (loud/angry) Ay good fellow, The quarrel is between our masters and us their men CAPULET LACKEY 2 ‘Tis all one in the same. Once I have fought with the men, I will be civil with the maids; I will cut off their heads. CAPULET LACKEY 1 you darest touch me? Tell me good sir, do you quarrel with us? MONTAGUE LACKEY 1 I do quarrel with thou wretched scum of the house of Capulet, draw if you be men. They start to fight. Fighting sound effects Trumpet sound and horse trotting until Prince reaches mic the prince pushes through the crowd of people fighting to address them PRINCE (loud) Rebellious subjects, KADEN Let’s gooooo two minutes in and there’s already a showdown! I’m team Montague hands down GABE Alright I see you I see you. If you’re team Montague I’m totally team Capulet KADEN Good thing the hate each other, it reflects well on our relationship GABE Sheesh bro you don’t gotta hate on me like that Background crowd and fighting dies down KADEN Ayo which side is this dude on? GABE He’s the prince my guy, he doesn’t have a side KADEN Oh righttt PRINCE Thy old Capulet, and Montague, have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets, if ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. KADEN So basically his Royal highness is saying that if the violence continues, everybody’s gonna pay the price GABE Yes, the price is right “Ba dum tss” All noisily leave the stage Benvolio and Lady Montague enter. The Lady runs on frantic pushing people out of the way. LADY MONTAGUE (Voice is desperate and pleading) O, my dearest Benvolio where is Romeo? Saw you him today? Right glad I am you two were not at this fray KADEN “Dearest Romeo”, so uhh Romeo and the lady are dating? And who’s this Benvolio dude? BENVOLIO My good lady, so early walking did I see your son. (Pause) GABE You did not just call Romeos mother his girlfriend BENVOLIO I made towards him but he would not talk and dove into the cover of the wood LADY MONTAGUE oh my poor child. Benvolio pulls on the lady’s sleeve and points to Romeo who enters BENVOLIO (Exasperated) O’re there, see where he comes. So please you, step aside. I’ll know his grievance or be much denied. LADY MONTAGUE Of course The lady walks away KADEN So basically Romeo needs a therapist and a good nights sleep GABE I could say the same about you BENVOLIO (His voice is mockingly chipper) Good morrow, cousin. ROMEO (Voice is tired and forlorn) Is the day so young? Ay me. Loon/bird sounds GABE/KADEN Such a baby *scoff* BENVOLIO (He sounds bored with the conversation already) What sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours? ROMEO Not having that which, having, makes them short. BENVOLIO Ummmm, art thou in love? ROMEO Out—— BENVOLIO Of love? ROMEO Out of her favour where I am in love. She won’t be hit with Cupid’s arrow KADEN/GABE simp BENVOLIO (Voice is slightly annoyed) Be ruled of me my dear coz. Forget to think of her ROMEO (Voice is hopeful) O, teach me, how I should forget to think! BENVOLIO The Capulets are holding a ball this night and the fair lady whom thou so loves, shall attend with all the admired beauties of Verona. I promise I will make thee think thy swan a crow. GABE Aight let me get this straight, my man Romeo, the sexy beast he is, got rejected??? Wolf whistle/Catcall KADEN Just proves once again, nice guys always finish last GABE Okay but this chick isn’t even Juliet, why does he care? KADEN Romeo’s a player am I right? And this Benvolio dude thinks it’s a good idea to sneak into a ball, hosted by their enemy, to get Romeo a rebound girl GABE Surely is a better wingman than you *scoff* ACT 2: INT. THE CAPULETS BALLROOM Kaden, Gabe, Romeo, Lord Capulet, Tybalt and a servant are all at the mic’s. Ballroom music plays. Background conversations ROMEO Who is that lady who enriches the beauty of the night by hundredfold? SERVANT I know not sir… ROMEO ohh she teachs the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs on the cheek of night as rich as a jewel in the queens crown. For I never saw true beauty until this night…. TYBALT (whispers) Psst Uncle, that boy by the sound of his voice is a Montague our enemy. KADEN Is the so called beauty Romeo’s just seen Juliet, or another conquest? GABE Man all I know is that uncle is Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet KADEN Does that make the grumpy sounding one her cousin? GABE Yeah, Tybalt I believe LORD CAPULET Young Romeo is it? TYBALT It’s he, the villain Romeo. TYBALT (cont'd) I shall not endure a villain as a guest. LORD CAPULET He shall be endured….Now leave you are a SAUCY BOY! Saucy sound effect KADEN I’m sorry, WHAT in gods name is a saucy boy. Is that an insult, a compliment, a bad use of an adjective? Saucy sound effect GABE I really couldn’t tell ya buddy, but I guess Tybalt is..uhh..that Saucy sound effect Tybalt leave angrily Song changes to a romantic classic ROMEO My lips are two blushing pilgrims ready to smooth that rough touch with a soft kiss Romeo goes to kiss hand, Juliet pulls her hand away. Romeo stumbles JULIET 1 Good pilgrim, you do wrong with your hand too much. For hand to hand is a pilgrims kiss KADEN Sheesh bro my mans shooting his shot GABE hell ya! ROMEO have not pilgrims lips? JULIET 1 lips used only for prayer. ROMEO then move not while my prayers take effect. Then from my lips by you, my sin is purged. Camera gets covered with poster saying “One Moment Later” (like SpongeBob) GABE Okay chill, this isn’t a Disney movie KADEN I know right, next thing we know they’ll be getting married Nurse enters Loud footsteps NURSE Madam, your mother wants a word with you… JULIET 1 very well, (to Romeo) farewell Juliet leaves ROMEO Who is her mother? NURSE Lady Capulet, the lady of this house. ROMEO Oh dear god, my life is my enemies hands. As Romeo leaves Juliet returns. JULIET 1 Nurse, who was that dreamy young man? NURSE I believe that was Romeo of the house of Montague JULIET 1 Oh no! My love is my greatest enemy! woe is me! KADEN So now they realize they’re literally enemies by birth, cool cool cool cool cool cool (really fast if possible) GABE Wouldn’t that stop them from being together? KADEN Roll credits I guess EXT. JULIETS BACKYARD – NIGHT Romeo in orchard and Juliet on Balcony Night sounds KADEN Ayeee when did the party end?? GABE Well now we’re in Juliet’s backyard…I think JULIET 1 Ay me! ROMEO (aside) She speaks! GABE He did not just break into her garden, in the middle of the night KADEN Wouldn’t it be funny if they just fell off the balcony. Then this absolute snooze fest would be over GABE Sheesh bro that’s kinda fax JULIET 1 Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father refuse thy name! ‘Tis but thy name that is an enemy ROMEO I take you at your word. Call me but love! Henceforth I never will be Romeo JULIET 1 Oh ****! Oh wait, it is my love, Romeo. Sound effect censoring Juliet swearing JULIET 1 (cont'd) I have not drunken 100 words of that utterance. Aren’t you Romeo and a Montague. How did you find this place? KADEN So we’re just gonna skip over the fact that he’s trespassing JULIET 1 Oh Romeo, Dost thou love me? I know thou will say yes but please oh sweet Romeo swear it ROMEO I swear, by the bright and beautiful moon JULIET 1 Not by the moon which changes with the month, do not swear at all! although I love you, I have no joy of this contract tonight (hesitantly) It is too rash, to unadvised! Goodnight! KADEN *Cough* simp *cough* ROMEO Wait! Will you leave me so unsatisfied? GABE Buddy’s really going for it JULIET 1 What satisfaction can you have tonight? She goes off stage we hear crashing happen. The sound team grumbles for a few seconds then we can hear one of them say. Crashing and falling RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 dang it I'm pretty sure she just knocked herself out… what are we going to do? We need a Juliet for this play, where’s the understudy? RANDOM SOUND PERSON 2 She’s stuck in traffic…what do we do *whispered* RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 I think I know what we can do, Brenton can play Juliet ROMEO This has been such a happy night but what if it is a dream!? ROMEO The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. JULIET My love is as big as the sea. My love as deep; the more I give to you, The more I have. Juliet (Brenton) gets pushed on stage Magical twinkly sound > whenever a new Juliet comes on stage JULIET 2 Oh Dear Romeo three words then goodnight. If you love me, Juliet, propose marriage and send word to me so I may join you in marriage! Goodnight! GABE that’s speed dating 101 KADEN The Bachelorette ain’t got nothing on them ROMEO (little confused about actor change) Uhh…So thrive my soul! I will send for you at the hour of nine. Good night indeed. I will wait for the morning eagerly! GABE Let me get this straight, Romeo just broke into Juliet’s garden, professed his love for her, and proposed marriage…in a matter of minutes KADEN Sheeshhhhhh ACT 3: EXT. THE STREETS OF VERONA – AFTERNOON Tybalt is on stage. Kaden, Gabe, Tybalt start at the mic’s. Market place chatter TYBALT (Mockingly) Romeo, Romeo where art thou Romeo? Romeo skips onto the stage. Tybalt sees Romeo Whistling TYBALT (cont'd) (talking to audience) well peace be with you sir, here comes my man KADEN Alight saucy boy Tybalt is back from the party, what could he possibly want Saucy sound effect GABE He either hates Romeo or really likes violence *wink* KADEN Or both GABE I mean, Tybalt’s kinda got it right, Romeo’s a sketchy guy KADEN I could say the same about Mr. Tibby TYBALT (cont'd) Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford. No better term than this; thou art a villain ROMEO (breaks character) Uhh, sorry how do you say your name? *whisper* TYBALT (breaks character) It’s Tybalt man *whisper* ROMEO Ahh yes, Tybalt I love thee, villain I am none Therefore farewell; I see thou knowest me not KADEN Now this sounds like some quality entertainment GABE 5 bucks on Tybalt KADEN Alright bet (dap each other up) High 5 sound effect TYBALT Boy, this shall not excuse these injuries that thou has done me, therefore turn and draw ROMEO (monotone) chill dude, relax TYBALT I shall not GABE/KADEN + REST OF CLASS fight, fight, fight (chanting) TYBALT draw like I have or be a coward! Sound of sword being drawn Fighting music/sound effects begins Ding ding ding (WWE style) GABE (in a WWE commentary) In the right corner we have Tyballlllt The 6 ft fighter from the house of Capulet!!! KADEN (in a WWE commentary voice) And in the left corner we have the 5,11 stunner gunner ROMEO!!!! ROMEO Put thy rapier up TYBALT thou retched saucy boy GABE (in a WWE commentary) And so the fight begins Sword fight KADEN (in a WWE commentary) Ooh I think, Tybalt went in for the charge and…he’s failed Crashing/banging Booing from crowd GABE (in a WWE commentary) Your right about that one. They seem to really love Romeo though Cheering from crowd GABE (in a WWE commentary) This is not looking very good for Tybalt KADEN (in a WWE commentary) Sounds like the crowd is not very happy with Tybalt ROMEO men’s eyes were made to look, let them gaze! Thou shall be made a fool in their presence! TYBALT nay, thou shall be a fool not I! KADEN (in a WWE commentary) Now this is getting intense TYBALT I shall end this here! ROMEO nay, I shall! Singular final sword clashing Cheering from crowd TYBALT *Scream*(Emily) TYBALT *pause* I am dead KADEN A-and the victor is ROMEO!!!!! You owe me 5 bucks! GABE (dramatically) tch! Tybalt you’ve failed me… wait but, isn’t Romeo, technically a criminal now? ROMEO Wait, I’ve just killed my wife’s cousin! Romeo exists in a hurry Wedding bells KADEN Right sorry just not you typical wedding GABE Just shhhh *pause* all that matters now is that Romeo is banished from Verona, meaning he can’t see his wife, or…ya know *wink* KADEN Sheesh Romeo, it’s okay though virginity rocks GABE Shhh we’re about to see what Juliet’s been up to GABE Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnnnnnn KADEN Hold up, when’d they get married?? GABE Dude pay attention, they were married with the help of Friar Lawrence at the hour of 9 ACT 4: INT. SOUND STAGE – CHURCH AFTERNOON Juliet 2 and Friar Lawrence are at the mic. Church sounds Juliet puts in eye drop for fake crying, fake cries (Malaika) GABE See, look what you did *scoff* KADEN Aight so we’re in a church now JULIET 2 Oh, for I am feeling melancholy for the death of Tybalt and thy banishment of Romeo GABE see, I told you he was banished! KADEN Chill buddy I didn’t disagree! But I dunno, Juliet seems kinda cold hearted for a girl who just lost her cousin and husband, like give us more, where’s the emotion??? GABE Woah ease up buddy KADEN We’re listening to a radio show. How’s this my fault? GABE You broke the TV in the first place! KADEN Okay you know what- (keep getting angry until Friar interrupts) Friar Lawrence enters the scene FRIAR LAWRENCE Oh dear Juliet, what is the problem? GABE shhhh (to Kaden) KADEN Who’s this dude? GABE She’s in a chapel, that’s the Friar…duhhh JULIET 2 My love, poor Romeo has been banished from Verona and I will never be reunited with my sacred love! FRIAR LAWRENCE Doth may have a solution, for thy's sorrow. For I have created an elixir which will make it act as if your dead. JULIET 2 How will this relate to my love, Romeo? FRIAR LAWRENCE You will believe to be dead. And Romeo will come to your side and you will be reunited with your lover. Friar Lawrence bring out a Mountain Dew can with the word “MAGICAL ELIXIR” hastily written on it. GABE Now that’s a pharmaceutical I can agree with KADEN Okay sure, but how’s that gonna benefit Juliet? GABE Well obviously she’s gonna “sleep” until it’s safe for Romeo to return KADEN Why doesn’t she just run away? GABE *aggressive sighs* Because her family would look for her, this way, they just think shes dead KADEN To the tomb we go I guess Magical twinkly sound JULIET 2 sneezes* RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 Wait can someone check if that's a Covid symptom JULIET 2 I swear its not a symptom! RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 What should we do? RANDOM SOUND PERSON 2 Get him off stage and to a doctor now! RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 Right on it! Is the understudy finally here? RANDOM SOUND PERSON 2 Yes, Holly get out there!! *angrily whispered* Brenton is promptly taken off the stage and replaced by Juliet No.3 Magical twinkly sound JULIET 3 I, Juliet shall take this serum and promptly go to bed, never to speak of this confrontation again, with any of the Capulets. KADEN So we’re just gonna ignore that? GABE Yes. Can opening GABE/KADEN/CROWD CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! Chugging sounds JULIET 3 (sleepily/dozing off) I, Juliet feel as if I, Juliet am falling to sleep, it appears that the potion is working! Juliet walks off the stage FRIAR LAWRENCE I shall take this letter to Romeo to tell him of this plan GABE So Juliet’s dead but asleep KADEN Right…and Friar Lawrence is delivering a letter to Romeo, so that he know’s that Juliet isn’t really dead and is just awaiting his arrival GABE And then Romeo will be by her side as she awakens so that they can run away and live happily ever after KADEN Ya…(laugh) imagine, Romeo never gets the letter (continue laughing) GABE (Laugh) imagine! You could never mess up that badly Laugh track (hahaha haha ha ha…ha) ACT 5: INT. CAPULET TOMB – NIGHT Romeo rushes into the tomb ROMEO (shocked/teary) Oh, my love Juliet why have you ended your life so early on. GABE I take it back. You can mess up that badly KADEN The Friar had one job! One freakin job! GABE Okay true, but if it weren’t for stupid Benvolio, Romeo would’ve gotten the letter. Benvolio (mockingly) just had to run off and tell Romeo his wife was dead! KADEN Shhhh let’s just hope she wakes up before he does anything rash ROMEO So much we could have done together. GABE Oh no *pause & stutter* I don’t like where this is going ROMEO Here’s to my love! KADEN NO NO NO NO NO, ROMEO WHAT ARE YOU DOING ROMEO (dizzy sounding) Thy drugs are quick GABE No, c’mon not poison! Just wait 5 more minutes! ROMEO Thus with a kiss, *pause* Romeo kisses Juliet then drinks the poison and dies. Jar opening and swallowing During the kiss scene someone covers the camera with “One Moment Later” sign (like SpongeBob) ROMEO I die. When Romeo dies, a laugh track starts to play although its quickly cut off and replaced with sad piano track. RANDOM SOUND PERSON 1 Oh **** Bleep censoring swear her. KADEN Romeo! My favourite Montague why!!? GABE He’s dead man Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo lying dead beside JULIET 3 *Yawn* JULIET 3 Is this poison grasped in my Romeo's hand? Juliet 3 beings sobbing GABE Of course she wakes up now KADEN Their timing is killing me JULIET 3 Empty, not even a drop left for I, Juliet. Must I, Juliet find another way to join him. KADEN Okay, what is with all the death and suicide GABE It’s called the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet for a reason As Juliet 3 is about to act out the kissing scene Juliet 1 enters pushing Juliet 3 away from the mic. JULIET 3 (concerned/curious) Uh… what are you doing… are you ok? JULIET 1 (definitely not ok) D…don't worry I got this I'm fine Juliet 3 still confused decides that she just doesn't care enough and walks off stage. Juliet 1 uses the mic stand to stop herself from falling over “One Moment Later” sign is held up to cover the camera as they kiss Kissing JULIET 1 O happy dagger, This is thy sheath. KADEN Okay where’d she get a dagger? GABE Let me remind you that Romeo was banished from Verona, coming back seems like a dangerous feat KADEN Ohh you’re right, it was probably his GABE Who is she talking to? KADEN I think it’s the original Juliet GABE (confused) Oh…*pause* she’s back I guess JULIET 1 There rust, and let me die. Juliet stabs herself and dies. Stabbing/sword sound effect Juliet misses her queue to leave the stage. SOUND PERSON 1 (whispered) Wait did she pass out or is she still acting SOUND PERSON 2 (whispered) I don't know but someone should probably get her out of there The Random extras drag her off stage. As she's being dragged off stage the prince enters stepping over her body to get to the mic. PRINCE A glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun for sorrow shall not show his head. KADEN Oh hey, Lord Farquad is back PRINCE Go hence to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned, and some punishèd. For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. KADEN That’s it? GABE What do you mean that’s it! That was brilliant! The most classic of all love stories, courtesy of William Shakespeare! KADEN I guess it was okay *pause* I’m kinda bored though GABE *scoff* That’s because you don’t appreciate the relevance of Shakespeare’s works in present day KADEN *pause* Sooo…you wanna bake those brownies? Oven dings Transitional ending music The End

A lot has changed since Shakespeare’s time. Language, jokes and references made in Romeo and Juliet are weird and confusing today. Overcoming modern meanings and views are important when demonstrating an old play. If I can’t comprehend or display the story, how will it be perceived?

To take historical perspective I focused on comprehending my character. I figured if I understood juliet better, then her confusing lines would make more sense. Thinking about her as a character helped me understand her view of things. Instead of seeing the character as a naive, indecisive person. I saw her as somebody with everything controlled, somebody looking for excitement. Establishing her point of view made sense of some weird lines, and improved the way I acted.


Overall I learned a lot during this project. I worked on some amazing skills and grew to love the play Romeo and Juliet.

This project was stressful and difficult at times, but I will forever remember the great skills I developed and the amazing radio show my class created.

See you later,


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