Tectonic chances summative post

Our project was called Tectonic chances and revolved around Tectonic plates.Our task was to build a Board game or a card game with 10 science concepts.The science concepts we had to use were the concepts we had been learning in classSuch as Plate tectonics, Sea Floor Spreading, Convergent Plate boundary’s and a lot more. This project was very different compared to projects I have done in the past, in saying that I thought it was a very fun way to teach us what plate tectonics are and what they can do.

For parts of this science project we had to do math to help us learn how to calculate the probability for our game, it did help me understand calculating probability a lot better. Most of our assignments we did was handing in our rules and then getting feedback on them and then changing them. 

For this project me and my partner Colton made a game based off of creating islands with hotspots. The main point of the game was to have all of your houses on the game board or have all of your islands on the game board. We definitely had lots of different ideas about what our game would look like but in the end we found a game idea that worked. We had lots of fun creating the game and it was a pretty fun to play and I’m sure other people thought so too.

We were graded in three different parts such as: The theory of plate tectonics and supporting evidence Is a central theme of your game, all class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without any distractions and the tectonics game uses probability in each turn to determine outcomes.

The theory of plate tectonics and supporting evidence Is a central theme of your game: We extended this skill by using more than 10 science concepts. We put in as much stuff about  plate tectonics as we could and I think in the end we did a pretty good job of showing what we learned about plate tectonics and we showed how they fit into our game.

All class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without any distractions: We did a pretty good job of this we always tried to stay on task and it worked most of the time, there were times where we got side tracked but nothing major.

The tectonics game uses probability in each turn to determine outcomes: Our game used mostly probability, there is some skill involved but mostly probability. Our game had multiple decks that are supposed to be shuffled so lots of probability involved I would say.

Our curricular competencies were Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence, demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest and Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving.

In conclusion this project was very fun to do and I had lots of great help which made this game one of the coolest projects I have ever done.