1984, Character Analysis

Before winter break we started our dystopia and utopia studies. We started by reading “1984” by George Orwell, a very influential book for the dystopian genre. After starting the book we were assigned to pick a character and and make a metaphor man. This meant choosing a character from the novel and cutting them out from paper and adding symbols to represent their role and personality in the book. After choosing last we ended up with the only character left; Mr. Charrington.

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Humour, Sarcasm, Irony…. Satire!

First Blogpost of this last school year!!

As my last year of highschool begins, flight starts strong with 4-in class essays in less than a month!! Yeah! We’re preparing for the English 12 exam like crazy! But this week we’re taking a break from all this intensive study and focusing on satire! So yeah, my homework for the last week has been understanding how satire works, or in other words, watching The Simpsons.

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Savage or Nah?

First of all I want to start by giving a shoutout to my 3 viewers per post! You guys keep me motivated and are the reason why I keep this blog going! Thanks mum, Mrs Willemse, and Mr. Hughes,

Anyways this blog will be about the concept of savagery and civilization, and the controversy about a “savage” act. I will specifically talk about the use of of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. I will also use Macbeth, and Lord of The Flies.

We have recently been analyzing the book Lord of The Flies. I personally really enjoyed it because of its lucidity. I am not a person who can read something and see the abstract meaning behind the whole book. This book was perfect for me since it was so obvious, and all the symbolism was literally made so a grade seven could understand it. I will use this book and other texts to help prove my point.

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Grade 12!?!?! Already?!?!

How has time flown so fast?

Am I even ready for Grade 12?? I hope so. Ever since I came to Seycove, I rember being super intimidated by the grade 12s. They seemed so big and tall, but I guess that’s what happens when your height is below average.

To show my growth as a learner I want to show one of my recent blogpost. This is the Nuclear Fear blogpost. I personally love this post because of the amount of visuals it has. Not only that but this also shows how my blogpost are getting not only longer but have much more tone than previous ones. I actually love this one aswell because of the amount of connections I made to my life. I don’t even know how I managed to connect Nuclear Fear to my favourite show. But i managed to do it. This blogpost shows how I’ve made my posts more entertaining, more related to me, and much more than just chunks of text, but visually appealing.

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