Humour, Sarcasm, Irony…. Satire!

First Blogpost of this last school year!!

As my last year of highschool begins, flight starts strong with 4-in class essays in less than a month!! Yeah! We’re preparing for the English 12 exam like crazy! But this week we’re taking a break from all this intensive study and focusing on satire! So yeah, my homework for the last week has been understanding how satire works, or in other words, watching The Simpsons.

This past week we looked at the definition of satire. We outlined how irony, exaggeration, ridicule, and sarcasm come together to bring a world issue to light in a humorous way. We also looked at examples and made sure to understand the difference between a parody and satire. We saw examples such as some scenes in the legendary Shrek movie. But by the end of our lesson we definitely learnt how to tell the difference between a Poker Face by Lady Gaga parody, from a Take the Bus, satiristic movement.

Of course we never just learn something in PLP, we always have to do a project and make sure we understand the concept 100%. For this small unit we have to create our own satiristic piece. This could be a movie, an image, a podcast, anything we wanted really.

My first Idea for this project was to make a satire photoshopped image about the white lives matter movement. I made an image showing how ridiculous this movement is in my opinion. This movement is uncalled for as the white population is not a minority and they are privileged in many ways. So the white lives matter movement is uncalled for at the moment, especially when we should be focusing in minorities that truly need help currently. We could be focusing on the Black Lives Matter movement for example, since police brutality and racism in America has recently worsened.

White Lives Matter movement vs Black Lives Matter movement

After making this satire, I was really pleased with the way it turned out. Except, there was one big problem…. It wasn’t funny. I tried several different forms but if I kept my racism theme, it was really hard to make  funny image regarding such a serious topic. That’s when I created my next idea. I decided to make a tinder profile! It’s not what you think!, I am indeed not turning to online dating. I actually made my second satiristic project about stereotypes and how they play a big role in determining someone’s life. For this project I created different tinder profiles of some of the common stereotypes minorities and other groups experience.

I chose this as my world issue as stereotypes play a vital role in the way someone’s treated. Most minorities experience prejudice and discrimination based on an assumption about someone’s race. Being part of a minority can mean you are seen as one specific person, that acts, talks, and behaves a certain way that is not true to most.

And here is the finished product!









Satire is very effective in presenting world issues, as it does not tell you how to think, but it makes the reader realize it for themselves . The style of satire, makes it possible to sway the public’s opinion by making the reader have an epiphany. Satire is powerful because it has the ability to point out the negative side in certain human behaviors and social issues. It’s form and style makes these issues seem so ridiculous which therefore seem funny, and make the reader realize how it’s wrong.

Analyzing my final product, I’m not sure if I even created a satiristic image. I never thought satire would be so much work. It includes deep thought which should be clever enough to provoke the author to agree with your point of view. I underestimated the work that this project would need. Satire is much more than humourous sarcasm.

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