Tpol 2023

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Why do you Feel Ready to Advance to the Next Grade Level

– Confidence and Responsibility

– Planning and Schedules

– Revisions and Feedback

Starting with that last one, lets look at why Juno Beach Centre is so important in history, and in my learning

A good example of of very high quality writing is the Juno beach essay. This project involved a lot of revising work until its as good as I could get it. This also helped me get over the fear of having people critique your work.

Furthermore, a big part of the project was writing with rhetoric, a literary device to help make writing more effective and persuasive. Overall this project was a very good step forward in the quality of my writing compared to last year.

The hard part however, is to continue these techniques towards further projects. For Save Juno Beach, most of the revisions were built into the projects design. However, to really complete my goals, I will have to continue seeking and applying revisions even when the project doesn’t specifically call for it.

Dealing with Open Ended Projects

This seems to be becoming more common in PLP. Projects that have a very broad topic, and is up to you to find a direction to move in. This was very prominent in projects such as the Power of Imagination, in which our instructions pretty much boiled down to making a video about Vancouver tourism. In this project it was exaggerated by the fact that the entire class was away on a school trip.


– needed to pull back and really focus on the three things we wanted to connect to the driving question.

– required confidence to recognize what was working and what wasn’t

– a lesson in scope creep and having a central message to follow

Resilience and teamwork

This same project was also a very good example of working together to overcome adversity.

Basically nothing went to plan during this project, yet we still managed to produce sophisticated work.

Managing Time

So far we’ve only talked about things that I’ve improved on or done well in. Let’s change that shall we?


These were my habits and systems that I wanted to put in place for grade 10. Unfortunately most were much easier said than done.

While these plans were better thought out then I normally do, it can only be effective if I actually follow it. Unfortunately in this case, these deadlines did not motivate me to get things done on time, and eventually enough of them piled up I stopped looking all together.

What’s the problem here?

– Not enough discipline to hold my self accountable to these artificial goals

– Individual tasks might be too big or intimidating

– deadlines might be too far away (Daily goals might be better)

– Plans being too rigid and not adapting to current events

Overall my time management during this project wasn’t the best, and while I don’t think it affected the final product that much, it did make it much more stressful to complete.

Other Systems

In my mpol I talked about how I thought writing was slightly easier, and that I’ve finally found some sort of method that works for me. While I think this method still does work well, it can always still be improved. The main problem with my method is that it’s reallllllly slow and always takes forever to organize everything in my head before writing it out. 

The Marrow Thieves in Class Quick Write

– Flow writing (Writing anything and everything that comes to mind)



– Teamwork/Collaboration

– Responsibility

– Revisions and Feedback


– Planning ahead

– Engagement

This years goal pretty much revolved around confidence and producing work I’m proud of. In this regard, I would say that this year was a decent success. While there are definitely still some projects I think would benefit in a bit more time, there are many more that I would be proud to introduce into the world.


Thanks for Listening!

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