Hello and welcome to my second Rise of the Frankestuffie blog. If you would like to hear more about the first part of the project you can see that here. For this project, we had to answer the question ‘How do Revolutions change the world?’

In the last project we talked about how revolutions changed societies but now we’re talking about how revolutions change the world. The answer isn’t very different from how they change societies. The simple answer is that revolutions change the world by people spreading ideas that influence change in the political, economic and social structures of the world. In the industrial revolution, these ideas spread by increased transportation, because travelling was becoming more accessible more people were doing it. So people were going into different countries and towns and talked about their ideas and beliefs and just like those ideas started spreading like diseases. Trade also ties into that, people were trading goods, diseases and ideas. These ideas spark a change that changes the entire world. Now let me tell you how I got to answer that question. 

To help us answer the question we wrote a story which you can hear more about in my last blog. With our story to make use of, it was the best it could be we did a 2-hour peer critique. It was great to read someone else’s story and also get unbiased feedback on your story was great, my story improved a lot with the critique I was given. The person critiquing my story had really good ideas I hadn’t thought of like, ‘describe how scared your character feels’ and ‘try these phrases to describe the dark’. This helped me understand why spreading ideas was so crucial to change the world because other people’s ideas are probably different than mine and this improved my story so if enough people spoke out the world would change.

We also finished our book, Leviathan by Scott Westerfield. This book was a science fiction alternate history book. It helped us understand the political side of the revolution which is another puzzle piece to answer the driving question.

Now that we have written our story it’s time to start planning my short film, for this film it was really hard for me to use green/blue screen because my stuffie had both colours in it which made the background blend in so I decided to create a set for my film instead. I also had to figure out how to make dialogue for my stuffie is a boy and no one I knew had the right voice for him I had a couple of options. I could use a voice changer, I could o use subtitles or I could use music. In the end, I decided to make my music and use captions. In the process of making the movie, I found that using sound effects helped my movie. Another challenge I had was that my story was too complex so I had to simplify it a lot. So I had to pick a good format so we learnt about Disney’s storytelling format, we’ve seen this video a couple of times but it is helpful every time because it reminds me how simple a story can be and for it to still be a good story. It would’ve been really hard to only use one app to make this video but luckily we have hundreds of resources on our iPad so we decided to use them. I used garage band to create the music, I used procreate to create the animations, I used stop motion, I used keynote and I used a green screen. All these tools helped me make ‘Murfy’s Escape’. Even though I know I have room for improvement I have improved a lot since my last project with planning and creating texts. One thing that I keep telling myself I need to improve is sticking to the plan however while making the movie I changed my plan last minute and this time it changed my movie for the better. After hearing about the video so much you probably want to see it so here it is:

Now that e had learnt about the political aspect of a revolution by reading leviathan, learnt about spreading ideas by doing peer critique, learnt about fundamental change and trading by creating our frankenstuffies and having a good idea on what the Industrial Revolution is and how it changed the world I think we are capable of answering the question and completing the project. Happy new year and see you next project