To make my triptych, I used a combination of many apps on my IPad, including Keynote, and Superimpose X. I used Superimpose X to edit my face into historical paintings and I used Keynote to put everything together.
To make this triptych, I had to learn about the Renaissance and the innovations from that time period. This wasn’t too hard, because we had a pretty good source as a classroom resource. We also had to look up some external sources. We learned how to do some fact checking, which started quite tough, must became easier.
By far, my biggest takeaway from this project was learning how to fact check. My life will be way easier from now on!
The world is a better place because of all the new innovations from the Renaissance. Ideas from Europe nand Asia changed the world by creating countless ideas that we rely on today. In general, the Renaissance marked the transition from medieval to modern times with expansion of exploration and trade and growth in arts, literature and science.
Traditional ideas that people had before the Renaissance weren’t very efficient or effective and had to be changed. Before clocks were invented, sundials were the only way to tell time. They were quite accurate, but very inconvenient. Without the printing press, the only way to make books was to write them by hand. More than half of the world couldn’t see properly before the invention of glasses, and they probably didn’t even know it, without a way to test people’s vision.
New ideas in the Renaissance changed the Renaissance world by allowing people to see better, to not be late, and to share information with the world. People’s vision was improved because lenses were invented, which lead strait to glasses. Did you know 64% of adults wear glasses today? Lenses really helped the world see. Less people were late because they had more accessible and convenient ways to tell time. They could have clocks wherever they wanted (If there was enough space!). The printing press made it possible to copy books and share them with the world.
New ideas from the Renaissance changed the world today because if we didn’t make lenses, we wouldn’t have phones, if we didn’t make clocks we’d always be late, and if we didn’t make the printing press, there wouldn’t be many books on earth. Today, in addition to glasses, peoples eyesight can be fixed with contact lenses or laser eye surgery. Lenses also come into play for electronic devices like phones and iPads. Clocks can now be small enough to wear on your wrist, or fully integrated onto phones, and iPads. Since the Renaissance, the printing press has just been upgraded and upgraded. We now have printers that can print words and pictures without having to manually put each letter on. Books have also been digitized so you can read them on your phone or IPad.
Innovations from the Renaissance had a significant impact on life today. Key innovations from the Renaissance like the mechanical clock, the printing press and lenses among many others have had a lasting impact on our world. Looking back, it’s a good thing we were able to progress from medieval times.
What do you think?
Hi Quin, I like your triptych! I also like all the facts you included. They were really interesting.