Element Superhero

For the past few weeks in science class we have been working on a group project called the superhero project to learn about elements and the periodic table.


To start off the project we first had to decide the groups for the project, so we had a class vote with three options of who we wanted to make the groups either Us, our teacher or Simon (someone in our class). Our class decided to get Simon to make the groups. Once we got our groups we started on the first assignment where we leaned about how we had to make a superhero with an element as his or her power. The first assignment included creating a team name and a logo for our group, we also picked Hydrogen as our superhero’s power. We chose this element because it would allow our superhero to fly which would make everyday tasks very easy and also it was an element out group decided on.

this is our logo and team name:


The next step was to create our own periodic table of elements this was probably the part of the project that took the longest to finish as we needed to add the atomic number, the mass, the symbol, the name and the iron charge of each element. We then needed to research about two elements on the periodic table and finally we finished day 6 of the project which was making a model of the Adam we picked which was Hydrogen.

Periodic Table:


Overall up until now my group worked pretty well together and we got everything done but at the start It seemed that we procrastinated a little. After taking combining our skills we all did the project together and got what needed to be done a lot faster. This has been a fun project so far and I can’t wait to see what the next part of the project turns out to be.

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