Math Unit 2
Friday December 22nd 2017, 5:04 pm
Filed under: More

When we talk about math and art, we tend to talk about them separately. In school this is very true, math class and art class are very separate topics and ideas, but for this project it is a very different situation. We were presented with a challenge: to make a piece of art or music that included the golden ratio or fibbionacci spiral. The video below briefly describes what this is.

Like you can see in the thumbnail art like the Mona Lisa and a lot of other pieces follow the golden ratio, I took inspiration from this idea and amazing concept, how that these extremely famous and world renowned pieces have this ratio all over of 1:1.6. I wanted to make a piece of art that proved how the golden ratio and fibbionacci spiral make a piece appealing.

This ratio has been used so much that it has become relatively mainstream in the fields of art and visual production, so I decided to make my piece of art reverse black and white and have an endangered species envoled. Reverse black no white means that I have a black background and a white outline and I  used the Hawaiian hawk for inspiration for how my birds look.

And then we had to label the art with the golden ratio.

The way that the golden ratio works, is that inside the shape that it makes it also makes a perfect spiral. The way that the wing curves around the whole bird, all the way to the shape of the hear makes what is called a fibbionacci spiral. Also the claws of the birds have that’s same fibbionacci spiral, these are all examples of the golden ratio. The measurements on the diagram are 1: 1/2+square root of 5/2. This is equal to 1:1.6, the golden ratio.

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