Final PLP Project Ever, Part 1: Back in Time
Sunday May 24th 2020, 8:21 pm
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So, this is it. After 5 years of creation, reflection, revision, and blog posts, this is my last ever Humanities project in the Performance Learning Program. 98 blog posts so far, 5 grades, countless units, and here we are. I don’t want to say it’s a relief, but it is definitely satisfying. Anyways, on to […]

The New Normal
Friday May 15th 2020, 3:35 pm
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Normally for each project we’ll be connecting ideas. Usually from a historical event or series of events, and seeing how they can connect to today in order to gain a deeper understanding of what society can learn today from events of the past. By this point, term 3 of grade 12, that’s pretty much routine. […]

PLP 12 and the Political Spectrum
Thursday February 06th 2020, 4:46 am
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This isn’t exactly what I was expecting. I ended my last post with a joyous “see you in Vietnam!” But here we are and we are definitely not in Vietnam. No, we are at Seycove Secondary and guess what? WE’RE LEARNING!!! Ok, it’s not just now we’re learning, we learn all the time. This was […]

History With Billy
Saturday February 01st 2020, 6:42 am
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This project is a bit of a different flavour. Coming off the super fun, long winded and intense horror project and the resultant movie, this project was a good cleanse. For a start we were taught by Ms. Maxwell, she hasn’t taught a unit since grade 10 so that was fun to switch it up. […]

Mmmm HmmmmPol
Tuesday January 28th 2020, 7:38 am
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So, we’re back here again. This is the final time I will ever do this. This is my fifth of five midyear presentations of learning. This one I want to make a bit different. Instead of just walking through my work so far and talking about what I’m proud of and what I need to […]

The Horrific Horror Movie
Friday January 17th 2020, 8:07 am
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Welcome back to the blog with the most confusing array of content. Today I will be capping off the horror project that seems to be going on forever. Don’t worry it’s done, this is a reflective post. Before I deconstruct the project allow me to show you the movie. Well, kind of. It’s a trailer […]

The Monster Munch
Thursday November 21st 2019, 5:34 am
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Welcome back. More blogging. Woooooooooo. Anyway, let’s get to the point. It’s time to rap up this mini series of blog posts. I did one that was a movie review of the original Halloween and then one on Get Out. You can read about those below. This post is like those in that it’s based of film, but […]

Get Outta There
Thursday November 14th 2019, 1:18 am
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Hello, and welcome to the second post of a unit that I have been anticipating, yet dreading for months. The horror unit. This post is my analysis and response to watching Get Out, Jordan’s Peele’s immensely popular movie from 2017. It’s about Chris, an African-American man, decides to visit his Caucasian girlfriend’s parents during a […]

Halloween Movie Response
Thursday November 07th 2019, 5:29 am
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Hello, and welcome to the first post of a unit that I have been anticipating, yet dreading for months. The horror unit. This post is my analysis and response to watching the original Halloween by John Carpenter from 1978. So, without further ado, this is my response to Halloween. I want to begin by talking abut […]

Shakespeare in September
Monday October 07th 2019, 7:42 pm
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In this, our fist unit of the year we are tackling the question ‘How can we create animated shorts that use “The Taming of the Shrew” to explain the the social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional settings that shaped people’s lives and actions in the past?’ So, to begin allow me to show you How to Tame […]

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