Mmmm HmmmmPol
Tuesday January 28th 2020, 7:38 am
Filed under: More

So, we’re back here again. This is the final time I will ever do this. This is my fifth of five midyear presentations of learning. This one I want to make a bit different. Instead of just walking through my work so far and talking about what I’m proud of and what I need to work on. I wanted to try and fit it in a perspective and make it a bit different. I portrayed my year so far along the ways of the Hero’s Journey. So, here is each slide of my keynote I made and roughly what I mean by each slide, each image, and how it relates to my year.

Slide on is just the breakdown of the hero’s journey. A breakdown of each step, the divide between the comfortable and usual area and the unknown of adventure. I put my cutout face at the top so that people know it me. I used this as a template for each other one of my slides.

The second slide is the first stage of the hero’s journey, the call to adventure. This one I connected to the general feeling of the impending grade 12. During the summer the buildup. This is a very calming and easy part. The calm before the storm if you will. This is a very beginning step to the school year so far.

The third slide is crossing the threshold. The beginning of grade 12. For me this was just the beginning of ‘big boy school’ and kind of adult feeling. This was just the beginning of the year. Not a lot going on because we’re just getting going.

The fourth slide is the road of trials. The first tastings of characters, I chose the image of great Gatsby because it is one of class and organization, yet surrounded by chaos and succeeding. Kind of how my first project went. It is just the beginning though…

The bottom of the hero’s journey is the abyss. This is the biggest failure and downfall, yet also the biggest spot of character development and betterment. This fits the horror project. A FAIL project (first attempt in learning) and taught me and my peers a lot.

The first step up is metamorphosis. The character realizes the importance of the events that occurred in the abyss and how to grow from them. I chose a picture with a lot of emotion as I feel it represents the vibe post horror movie.

The next step is the ultimate boon. A helpful event or thing. This was the mini project we did with Ms. Maxwell. This individual experience was a good chance for us to reconnect with ourselves and the project creation process.

The final step is the return homer after our journey through the unknown land and the abyss our character has changed and is ready to develop into a better and more prepared version of themselves. That’s why I picked a nice happy picture for that, growth=happy.


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