✨ Animations ✨

Hello and welcome to this short formative post. I haven’t done a short post like this in a while, so I thought I would share what I’ve been up to. I’ve recently started a new subject called BC First People’s. In this course we’ve been focusing on the diversity, depth, and integrity of the cultures of British Columbia’s Indigenous Peoples. 

To start of this subject I did a launch project, where I created a piece of art to symbolize a contemporary issue that indigenous people face today. The piece I created focused on intergenerational trauma. 

My piece is on the right

I’ve recently created multiple animations to explain a community profile, bust common held myths and explain an article in UNDRIP. Here are the animations: 

In addition to these animations, I’ve learnt about anthropology and how it connects to indigenous communities. As well as working on my communication skills through taking Smart Brevity Notes. 

A more detailed post about my work in BC First Peoples will be on its way. Thank you for reading,

Alicia 🙂

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