Learn, Explore, Fly and Film!

Hello! I just finished a concluding Maker 9 project for this year. This project was called “Your First Film”. This project was about creating a documentary about something that interested the filmmaker (AKA ourselves). The documentary was meant to use and enhance our filmmaking skills from the past project, Vibrant Video. I fell that this […]

Videos, They’re Very Vibrant!

Hello! Have you ever wonder how vibrant your personality is? Your about to find out in this post! (Just kidding, anyways continuing…) This blog post is about a short, Maker 9, project I’ve completed called Vibrant Video. The goal of this project was a to develop skills to become an effective movie maker. As I […]

A Destination Imagination Journey!

Hello world, Throughout these past weeks If been working on a challenge from the program called ‘Destination Imagination’ (or called D.I.). You are probably wondering “What is Destination Imagination?”. Destination Imagination is an organization that constructs out of the box challenges to twist minds of a variety of students worldwide. The main point of Destination […]