Hello there guys, and welcome to another blog post! Today, I’m going to be reflecting on my journey through “re-learning” about having a growth mindset. This won’t be too long (hopefully)…

Over the past couple of weeks, my class has been discovering how to find a growth mindset. If you were to personally know me, you would soon discover that I definitely have a fixed mindset on a lot of things.

We’ve also reflected on many topics, such as failure and grit, and each created a little book for you guys to check out!

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

First off, what is a growth mindset?

In my definition, a growth mindset is a state of mind where you have the ability to accept your own flaws, and use them to move forward, even past failure.

Having a Growth Mindset means that you have grit, you eager to learn, you always put in effort, you believe in yourself and your goals, you are persistent, and you accept your human fallibility.

In other words, someone with a Growth Mindset is NEVER gonna give up.

For example, please watch the following video to see a prime example of Growth Mindset, grit, and determination.

This cat is such an inspiration-

Anyways, through this short “project” we’ve learned to assess and reflect on ourselves… and our mindsets.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a fixed mindset in a lot of areas… such as academics, sports, art, and many more. Of course, I rarely give up and I love to learn, but I often feel very frustrated when I not succeed, and I fear failure.

However, we were eventually shown the following poster. This proved to me that even these famous people have been exposed to immense failure.

So anyways, after learning all about the key aspects behind having a Growth Mindset, we were tasked to come up with one long-term goal surrounding school.

I choose to choose one surrounding teamwork, since I’m not very good in that area.

Here’s my progress through choosing one…

We also had to make a “Growth Mindset selfie” using our goals. Here’s mine:

ALSO, here’s my booklet with all my reflections in it!

Thank you so much for reading, and coming along with me as I “find a growth mindset!” Spring Break is FINALLY here (I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do lol.)