What Really Caused World War I?

In the turn of the century the world was experiencing change due to the industrialization of cities that required many resources and people. The governments of the time felt a need to control land in order to fulfil the supply and the demand of the industry. Countries began to seek alliances and thus caused conflict with those who felt threatened. A thirst and greed to control and conquer over took the politicians of the time to such an extent that they were ripe for conflict. It was a need for power, wealth, and resources fuelled by industrialization that led to World War I.

Although I may be terrible at drawing, I made a comic strip to represent England, as well as France and Russia since they were allied with England, during the industrialization of the country pre World War I. This was something new for me to try and if I’m being honest, I probably won’t make one of these again since it requires drawing. Although if I were a good artist I would make more comic strips because they were actually some fun to create.img_2726

In my opinion, I believe that it was a need for power, wealth, and resources fuelled by industrialization that led to World War I. At the time England and Germany were two countries that were beginning to industrialize everything they had. To do this they would require more resources, money, and land which neither of them knew where to get. Germany and England were on two different sides of the war. Both wanted what the other one had. England saw Germany as more space to put factories and fields for agriculture and vice versa. This started a feud between the two which then led to alliances being formed and ultimately, the first World War.