Destination Procrastination

A blog for kids who can’t read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too

Chemistry Story

In Chemistry this term we learned about atomic friendships. There are two kinds of atomic friendships that make new compounds or molecules. Ionic and covalent. The main difference in these two friendships, or bonds, is how generous the atoms are with one another. Ionic bonds are more generous because they donate their electrons to the bond. Covalent bonds are more selfish, they only want to share their electrons. Also ionic bonds are between a metal and a non-metal; covalent bonds are between 2 non-metals.

We did an experiment where we added hydrochloric acid to zinc, which made this an ionic reaction because it was between a metal and a non-metal. It created a gas that did a small pop when we put a flame to it. That was the only explosion in science class so far.

We also got to practice our animation skills in keynote by making a little presentation of a bond. Here is ours:

Presentation 7-1yb13ab


calebe • December 19, 2018

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