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‘PGP Finances Summative Blog Post’

Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the blog. This post is dedicated to our latest PGP project(s): Finances, a bit of Marketing and the “Spring Exhibition”. Along the finances part of this project, we have been learning about budgets, financial literacy, and about investing in the stock market using a stock simulator. This all helped us answer the driving question: “How do I support my career life choices?”. 

Starting off the Financing aspect of this PGP project we began with a checkpoint called Budgeting Reality. We learned all about all the different types of expenses and made charts to budget our fixed expenses vs. Variable Expenses. We wrote some of our fixed/variable expenses and what the budget was for that expense, and how much you were actually paying on that per month. For example a Fixed expense is something thats constant every time you pay it like a data plan. A Variable Expense is something that can vary every month like Groceries. 

Now onto the Stock Market Challenge. Investing in stocks is tricky. “Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in flipping circles”. To start this project off we needed to learn about what stocks were. we researched the investment and financial terms of the overwhelming stock market. This included types of investments like bonds, funds, investment trusts, etc. As well as investment strategies like passive and aggressive, values, growth investing, value investing, income investing and more. The thing is with stocks is that the higher the risk the higher reward, the lower the risk, the lower the reward. Now, we were only given a month to invest so I shifted my research towards stocks that gave a quicker gain which meant riskier stocks. I invested about 10,000 in Real estate agencies, Royal bank, and some capital corporations. Basically within a week of having multiple shares of these companies and selling and buying some more of the same stocks, my stocks were up. Way up. During the first few weeks my stocks success was incomprehensible compared to the rest of the class. I was up with a profit of $1700. It was crazy. Unfortunately some people caught up to me and eventually climbed ahed, so I didn’t win, but if it was actual money, I think I would done alright.

View my stocks here

Most importantly came the spring exhibition, which if you have read my blog posts for a while you will know we’ve have done a lot of cool settings but I think this one turned out pretty pretty well. We combined this PGP project with our Podcasting Maker project to create business cards for our project. Our room’s theme was an office, so we created little office cubicles, a front desk, signs to mark the categories, and more. Now, the different sections of the office were dedicated to different categories of podcasts and since mine was about cars, specifically Porsche (Read about that soon) I didn’t really have a spot to go in, but I ended up in sports, because cars=motorsport=sports. Makes sense.

Overall, I learned a lot about finances and the aspects of financial literacy, which will definitely come in handy in the future. The exhibition also turned out great but I would’ve wish that it was shorter as everyone sort of lost focus near the end of the exhibition lowering the overall quality, but I don’t blame them.

That’s all for today.


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