Two Votes

Today is an interesting day for a news junkie. There are two big news stories for me to follow, and both involve a vote. In British Columbia, teachers are voting on whether or not to ratify the tentative deal reached earlier this week, while in Scotland, they are voting on independence from Great Britain.

For both of these stories, I gathered most of my news from twitter and other online news sources. On Twitter one can find same rather “interesting” thoughts and opinions expressed by many people on all sides of the issues. Many of them I won’t share here. Actually, I won’t share any here.

I am not sure what outcome I want from the Scotland independence vote. I have no real connection to the country, except for a certain type of drink I like.

I definitely have a greater interest in the teachers’ ratification vote. I would love to see my staff tomorrow, and students on Monday.

I’m going back to Twitter to find out what’s happening now.

Take care