Writer’s Block

I have it. I have writer’s block.

I tried to write a blog a few times this week, but I keep having trouble finding something to write about.

I feel like one of my students who sit in class and have to write a journal.

“I don’t know what to write about!” the student may say to the teacher.

“Write about your day.” is the calmed, measured response.

“What can I say?”

To which a teacher may reply, “Just write whatever comes to mind.”

Ok. I’ll try that. Here is my blog.


World Series. Game 7. Looking forward to it. I want to see a good game from both teams.

NBA is back. The Spurs won yesterday. I’m happy. Steve Nash is out for the year. I’m sad.

Great to see so many parents in the school for parent/teacher conferences.

I think the crows would like more children to drop food at recess, but I am happy to see so many students using the garbage cans.

Traffic issues sometimes keeps me in school longer than I planned.

Some days it’s nice to have Advil in the desk.

Pogs create “interesting” learning experiences – I tweeted this earlier. Please follow us (@dwbeveridge, @leslie_mcguire & @ClevelandEcole).

Back to the World Series – I want the Giants to win. 

IMG_0585_Fotor_CollageWe have great art around our school. Very talented students.

Like these words on writing from Bob Dylan.

I am happy to have a new print (Summer Solstice II) for my office. Thanks to Artist For Kids and Jamie Evrard.

Sometimes I think I get a lot of emails, but then I realize many of you get more.

I met with the pizza petition kids. It was a great talk. I still have to follow up with the parents who organize food days.

We had a great staff collaboration session today. We discussed what is executive functioning and how to support our learners with executive functioning challenges.

I’m late. Game 7 has started. Bye.

Take care